A Full-Time Blogger’s Guide to Writing Faster

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3 years ago

Spend less time writing, produce more content, have your mind last longer before getting mentally fatigued. More content earns more income!

I’ve been writing to help wannabe bloggers and freelance writers out here to succeed in their blogging journey through my publication — Hackwriting.

Having said that, I have accrued enough followers on both my own account and my publication’s page to have people telling me about their greatest struggles.

… it turns out their biggest struggle is publishing consistently or just publishing enough so that they can grow their blogs thanks to the volume of their articles (which I already established as something vital for bloggers, after all, each piece of content is an employee working for you, collecting your income).

That’s why I decided to give you my own tips and tricks on how I can post daily on this platform and still feed my dozens of blogs around the web.

If you want to write faster, more words and publish more often, then this is the guide for you!

Start By Deciding on the Keyword You’re Going to Target:

The most important thing of all is to decide on which topic you want to write about.

Many people limit themselves on choosing a keyword, but when I say you have to choose a keyword, I want you to mix it with what the audience searching for that keyword wants to read about.

As an example, the keyword for this article is “writing faster”, but I also know people who search for this probably want to read a “blogger’s guide” or are going to search guide to “writing faster”.

I combined everything into the title you see now….

…BUT here’s the kicker!

When I decided upon the title I had no idea what I was going to write about.

You’ll decide on the next step.

Write Your SubHeaders: The Juice of Your Articles

You only know what you’re going to write about when you decide upon your subheaders.

Each article has to give some value to the audience, and that’s the juice of the article.

For this value, for this juice, I often decide to include:

  • Something the Reader WANTS to read;

  • Something the Reader DOESN’T KNOW;

  • Something that tackles KEYWORDS;

  • Something that Entices the Reader to Read Another of Your Articles.

Now that you decided on what to write about, write those 4 things as the subheaders.

There, the article is almost written…

…but why?

Because by writing these elements you now divided the article into 6 pieces:

  • Introduction

  • Point 1

  • Point 2

  • Point 3

  • Point 4

  • Conclusion

You almost didn’t write yet, and spent about 5 minutes doing this, and yet the hardest part of the article is done.

Write about 100 words (it’s so fast) on each point and you have yourself a 4–5 minute read with close to no effort.

But it gets better!

Draft a Bunch of Skeletons First: Fill In the Gaps

What I do to make the process fast and easy is I do all of the drafts for that day early when I’m fresh, and I’ll just fill in the 100-word gaps during the day.

Honestly, your subtitles must have the bulk of the “juice”, so skimmers also get value out of the articles… the body of the text should just be a thorough explanation on how to interpret the header.

See what I did with this subheader? All in all, the juice we have here is that you should create drafts first and fill in the gaps later, I spend three paragraphs clarifying it, but some people may even understand it just by reading the header.

The body of the text is for those that didn’t get it or for search engines to see your content has a ton of words and isn’t low effort writing.

Also, by writing more words you’re increasing read time and have more chances of being picked up on keywords you didn’t even aim for, for instance in this present sentence I wrote the keyword “increasing read time” and I didn’t even think of it.

Start Writing and Enjoy the Ride: The Good Thing About Using This Method

The good thing about using this method is that writing the drafts is very easy and doesn’t consume time or effort, so you do it without a problem.

Filling in with 100-word slices isn’t too boring, not as boring as writing an article like most of you usually do, but it still gets old pretty quickly.

Well, the good thing about this method is that you’ll see that once you start filling in the gaps, you’ll see each section passes surprisingly fast, and you already have the next section ready so it’s brainlessly easy and resistance-free to just continue.

Not only that but since you’re just reading the subheader and explaining what you meant to say you can “turn off” your brain and work in “auto-pilot”.

You’ll see that by working with this technique you’ll be ready to pump out more words per day than ever before, and your content will also benefit because you’ll be “losing yourself” less since you have the foundations laid for you already and can’t divert course just because your writing voice tells you to.


All Images Copyrights Free From Pixabay.

Content Original Posted on MY Publication: Hackwriting

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3 years ago


This is called senior. I was looking for a very decent way to write an article. I was reading different article but everyone taste and way of article writing is different. But recently i was reading someone article he directed me to your profile via link. Thanks buddy now i got yeah this is smart way to write a productive articles. Stay blessed

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am new in blogging. I was really confused how to start writing and organizing my words. Then I watched few videos and read articles regarding it. But I think these are the most excellent and fruitful tips. Thanks for sharing your ideas with us.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Hello there, I'm glad you liked them Siddiqa. Keep on writing and practicing and you'll be a great writer after a couple of years :D The most important thing is never giving up. Cheers

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Awesome tips! This post is giving value to all of us. Thanks a lot Max, I will follow you on medium too!

$ 0.01
3 years ago

I'm the handsome guy publishing the Hackwriting articles :P

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You have done a great job. I wish you the best and keep doing it. You are perfect as blogger and an example for me and others. Thanks for all the tips, you got a long-term follower!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Being new to the blogging world, I am afraid I would fail to sustain the need to write. I have so much thoughts but I couldn't put it into words comprehensive enough for people to keep on reading. Thank goodness I came across your article. Will be checking out more of your tips to help me with my blogging journey.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Glad you liked it Tenji. Cheers and thanks for stopping by and leaving the nice comment. See you around and have a pleasant blogging journey.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you! I would really appreciate if you would have the time to visit my written article and leave some comments for my improvement. Yes? 😅

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I hope I can apply your tips through my blogging activities. I almost give up in building my blog.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I really want to be a blogger but i dont have any idea in my mind 😊😊😊, its a nice article and guide too,,hope i can do it soon

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is a good article for a newbie like me. I may consider applying these points from yours. Thank you!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Dude, this is very helpful. thank you for this very interesting information.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh my I can see that Rusty visited you already! Congrats keep writing then 😊🤗

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ah, I see who Rusty is now. Yeah, he seems to like my content. I'm glad, it's a good sign, I'll keep up the quality :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yep in no time you'll get $10 or more per article 🤗😊 plus the upvotes you could get from your readers. Also, try to join communities. You may submit your article in any of those so it can reach to a lot of people.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank u for this article of yours, u have given me tips n ways on how to do a really good or best article soon, it's really helpful n useful especially to the newbies out here who doesn't have an idea 'bout writing article, thank u for the upvote

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Sorry for the delayed response, still getting the hang of it. I'm glad I was of assistance and I'm going to make sure to keep the level of quality high on my posts with some writing tip blogs in-between. Cheers!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

No worries, somehow knew that u r busy, take your time n going to wait for your new article n keep it up, the bot or rusty or the random rewarder will now be visiting your article as it started already

$ 0.01
3 years ago

So he does that for everyone eh? And here I was feeling special :P

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, it does, so keep on writing n yes, u should feel special, most of us or everyone here feel special especially if it visits our article, lol, thank u for the upvote again :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice congratulations

$ 0.00
3 years ago