Secrets in Marriage!

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1 year ago
Topics: My thoughts

Marriage is coming together of two individuals from different home, society, town,state,tribe,even country to form union and start a family together. It is the union of two imperfect people. There is nothing like a perfect marriage.

To make this marriage work we all need to know some secrets about it.


*Secret 1*

Everyone you marry has a weakness. Only God does not have a weakness. So if you focus on your spouse's weakness you can't get the best out of his strength.

*Secret 2*

Everyone has a dark history. No one is an angel. Before marriage let the both party not lean on the past but confess every necessary confession to each other and settle it ones and for all, let nothing be secret, so that in future it will not be a tool to destroy the home. Iron everything out forgive and forget. What matters most is the present life of your partner . Old things have passed away. Focus on the present and the future.

*Secret 3*

Every marriage has its own challenges. Marriage is not a bed of roses. Every good marriage has gone through its own test of blazing fire. True love proves in times of challenges. Fight for your marriage. Make up your mind to stay with your spouse in times of need. Remember the vow For better for worse. In sickness and in health be there.

*Secret 4*

Every marriage has different levels of success. Don't compare your marriage with any one else. We can never be equal. Some will be far, some behind. To avoid marriage stresses, be patient, work hard and with time your marriage dreams shall come true.

*Secret 5*

To get married is declaring war. When you get married you must declare war against enemies of marriage. Some enemies of marriage are:




Third party influence



Lack of love





Be ready to fight to maintain your marriage zone.

*Secret 6*

There is no perfect marriage. There is no ready made marriage. Marriage is hard work. Volunteer yourself to work daily on it. Marriage is like a car that needs proper maintenance and proper service. If this is not done it will break down somewhere exposing the owner to danger or some unhealthy circumstances. Let us not be careless about our marriages.

*Secret 7*

God cannot give you a complete person you desire. He gives you the person in the form of raw materials in order for you to mould the person that you desire. This can only be achieved through prayer, love and Patience

*Secret 8*

Getting married is taking a huge risk. You can not predict what will happen in the future. Situations may change so leave room for adjustments. Husband can lose his good job or you may fail to have babies. All these require you to be prayerful otherwise you might divorce.

*Secret 9*

Marriage is not a contract. It is permanent. It needs total commitment. Love is the glue that sticks the couple together. Divorce start in the mind and the devil feeds the mind. Never ever entertain thoughts of getting a divorce. Never threaten your spouse with divorce. Choose to remain married. God hates divorce.

*Secret 10*

Every marriage has a price to pay. Marriage is like a bank account. It is the money that you deposit that you withdraw. If you don't deposit love, peace and care into your marriage, you are not a candidate for a blissful home.

*Secret 11*

Be each other's teammate. Help each other financially. Don't let the responsibility be on one party, support him so he can also know he's not married to a liability.

This happen between two couples

My salary came yesterday and immediately I received alert, I rushed to my husband and asked him how much he needs me to contribute after informing him that my salary has been paid.

He thought I was joking and mentioned a figure thinking I was going to contest because it was almost all my salary, I just carried my phone and transferred it to him.

It was doing him like film, I then went ahead to pay the salary of our children's lesson teacher so that he would stop thinking about it.

That's when I realized that he was doing so much without complaining He sees it like his duty and even when the financial burden is too much, he struggles to pay without asking me.

He was so surprised and happy, I know that my money is just a fraction of what he brings but he felt like I gave him millions.

I then told him that I am putting in the effort to make more money so that I can still reduce his stress. He didn't marry a responsibility, he married an helper and he should be feeling more relaxed than when he was single.

I have never felt entitled to anybody's pocket and I won't do that with my husband.

Oh my God, He went to the market without even telling me, stocked up the home.

Cooked and served me o, this small support has gone a long way to settle silent quarrels that I didn't even know about.

I will keep working harder and doing my best, men also need support, they are not supermarket. Men needs support too .

Let us pray for our marriages and also be a team mate to ourselves.

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Avatar for Crownofbeauty0310
1 year ago
Topics: My thoughts


Wow, this is an eye opener, especially when you said, marriage involves high risk, and you went to say, risk of not having kids.. Yeah that should be taken into full consideration.

I love the story you shared about giving your husband the whole of your salary, which I know some women won't . I really appreciate your efforts in building a happy home

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1 year ago