Natural products have a wonderful effect on hair. The most common, very dry or excessively greasy hair, can be treated and beautified with appropriate oral and local treatments.
Dry hair. Many times it depends on a nervous temperament or is a consequence of people suffering from constipation. A diet rich in fiber and taking linden infusions are good recommendations to regulate the body. But to apply locally, warm oil baths are great. It can be olive oil, almond oil or mayonnaise. Yes, mayonnaise without flavor, just with the mixture of the oil and the egg yolk. Separate the hair and apply the mayonnaise with a brush to cover the entire head and let it slide to the ends. Then wrap the head with plastic wrap or a hot towel and let the mixture work on the hair for about 15 minutes. You can rinse it off with lukewarm water and massage the scalp to stimulate the sebaceous glands.
Naturopathic experts advise giving oil massages for dry hair at least once a week. It is important to nourish it and for this you can beat an egg yolk as if you were going to make an omelette and put a teaspoon of sweet almond oil, apply it on the clean head and leave it to act for 10 to 15 minutes. To rinse it, rainwater is ideal. If your hair is blonde or light brown, try rinsing it with a warm chamomile infusion, which will also help preserve beautiful golden highlights and soften your hair.
Greasy hair It can occur because the sebaceous glands produce excess oil. If it only occurs on the days of menstruation, there is no reason to be concerned, but if the seborrhea becomes persistent, you must act. Eliminate fats, sweets and chocolate from your diet. Have skim milk and lean roast meats. In general, people like this are deficient in vitamins A and B. Include a lot of orange juice shaken with carrot in your diet (a great source of vitamin A) and drink 8 glasses of water a day to clean the body well when washing it, use a suitable shampoo (if possible sulfur-based). And to rinse it lemon juice! Dilute the juice of a lemon in warm (not hot) water and apply it all over the scalp, massaging it lightly. Rinse with cold water so as not to stimulate the sebaceous glands. Let dry naturally.
When heat is applied, more fat is produced. It is also advisable to rinse with warm water and vinegar and then with plenty of cold water. Cedarwood oil is ideal for greasy hair. Greasy hair must be kept scrupulously clean
Natural products are the best there is, despite being a little more expensive, it is better than using so many chemicals that in the end, instead of getting better, it makes us worse. We must remember that we all have cancer cells, time has passed we have seen how people suffer from this terrible disease every day, due to so many chemicals we use and stress.