Fighting fire with fire

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2 years ago

Hello, read cashers, it's been a while, felt like a decade though, hope we all are doing fine and great, if not, it's going to get better soon, today I would be writing about the danger of fighting fire with fire, I know we all know that is very dangerous, what it's more dangerous is that the innocent ones usually get burnt from it.

I believe we all are familiar with power rangers, avengers, justice league, and other superheroes movies, usually, when they fight, they destroy the city, though people like justice league and dangers usually try to save as many people as they can, still, they end up destroying a lot of properties as well, sometimes I wonder who use to pay for what they destroy, will the government handle the bills? Or Bruce Wayne or Tony Stark or Oliver Queen?

Imagine like you just bought a new car and decided to hit the gym with your car, while you are just there working out, a bad guy just show up from nowhere and starts taking over the city, the Avengers arrive at the scene to save the day, while everyone is watching and applauding the heroes for fighting back, Hulk just came out from nowhere, lift your brand new car throw it to the villain and still miss it, haha, that would be very painful for real.

Will the government pays for the damaged properties or you will handle it yourself, well I don't think the government will be the ones in charge of paying for damage because they would have banned the reign of superheroes cause they be spending money on rebuilding the city every day, haha, that means every man for himself, the ones that are affected will fix it with their insurance and life goes on as nothing happened.

That's one of the reasons I like Superman, he usually tries to take the battle out of the city to a well opened spaced that is far from the city, because fighting fire with fire means he will have to be as careless as the enemies mean lives and properties won't matter to him anymore.

Well, the worst we can talk about is power rangers, in the case of power rangers, I wonder if people actually d!es in the movie, like you will see them destroying a huge building and at the end of the day, no one would die, big explosions would happen in the city as they give the villain he final destruction, it was happening in real life, a lot of lives would have been ruined for real and people will end up hating the hero more than they hate the villain cause they are the ones that are being affected.

Being a hero means one has to stand for justice instead of violence, they have to know that they can't fight fire with fire because they might end up burning the people and properties they wanted to protect, I know it might sound fair when one tries to fight fire with fire, but one has to think about the lives that can be affected by it, it's so much easier to fight fire with fire but don't know, think about other people lives and properties and not just your own life and properties.


This article is not about fire or superheroes, it's about our daily lives, like it's so much easier for us to take revenge on people for what they did to us in the past, the best thing you can do is to forgive them and move on, forgiving doesn't mean you should forget what the person did, so you won't end up falling into their trap again, forgiving just means you are setting your self free and your mind clean.

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2 years ago


I have always wondered who pays for those damages and all and if at all it's the insurance company, they will bankrupt very quickly.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Swrs, imagine rebuilding a company with millions of dollars, only for another villain or hero to come and destroy it. 😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago

will the government handle the bills? Or Bruce Wayne or Tony Stark or Oliver Queen?

They actually share the bills between themselves 😆 but the major part of it is handled by the rich folks: Bruce Wayne, Tony, Oliver and sometimes even T'challa (black panther). The government usually joins to handle the bill because they know that things will be worse if those heroes aren't around when a villain attacks, it's either they use the military to fight or they leave the villain to destroy the entire city but any one of that option will still cause destruction of the city.

Superman usually takes the fight out of the city because he doesn't want civilians to get hurt and also, baba no get money to pay for damages 😂 Bruce Wayne usually hates it when he puts all the bill on him

$ 0.01
2 years ago

😅😅😅 that billing part though, Superman just wants to live life without debts.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Forgiving is hard but forgetting is harder but if we choose to forgive, it can give us more peace in our life. You will free yourself from hatreds and revenge. And having revenge to someone will never be good, it just lead you to miserable life.

$ 0.06
2 years ago

That's true, revenge is no good at all.

$ 0.00
2 years ago