Catch them young

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2 years ago

Yesterday at evening, as of the time I was writing this article, I, big sis and kid sis was outside the house, receiving the organic fresh air, because there was no power supply, I was on my phone as usual and both of them was discussing, not much of a discussion though, kid sis was telling her that we should give her phone, I didn't say anything, but I was hearing everything, haha, that's how I usually do, I will just act as if I am hearing what they are discussing, big sis was telling kid sis that she waited till she was through with secondary school (senior high school) before she started using and kid sis reply made me laugh out loud, I just couldn't hold it to myself, she said "you can't compare then to now" things are different now, the world is going digital and people that don't move with it will be living in the analog world. 

A lot of things has truly changed in 10 years, more people are coming into the digital world and some of them is sad for not coming to know it earlier, in Africa where we live, so many people (especially the elderly ones) believes that when you give a child a smartphone, the kid will go astray like they will start using it to learn bad/adult things (watching 18+ videos and getting exposed to what they are not supposed to learn) this must have been their reasons, which usually happen. 

So in other to stop their kids from learning these habits, they believe is not good to buy a smartphone, but rather send them to church to be religious kids, trust me, I am not against anyone sending their kids to church, but I think this is one of the problems we have in Africa, in Benin city where I live, two things are trending, is either you become a gospel minister or you become a fraudster, those are the major two. 

Young kids at the age of 14 are already into fraud while on the gospel side, you will see a young guy of 22 years old being called Daddy because they are ministers, I know grace doesn't come by age, but let look at it from my perspective, there are already a lot of churches in Africa and we have the highest churches in the world, still Africa is how it is. 

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Most Asia countries like China are teaching their kids programing and tech, Africa is recruiting kids to church/fraud, a 17 years old boy in Russia can hack a satellite, while in Africa a 17 years old is out the street preaching the coming of Jesus, now tell me, why won't the younger ones coming up start watching adult firm, most churches are usually the problem for Africa being as it is, they will threatening the members with Bible verse, while they enjoy the opposite of it, they select verse from the Bible to preach to the members, telling people all kinds of things and threatening them that if they don't obey, the wrath of God will be upon them according to the old testament, but I thought Christ has changed all that already, well, as I said, they look for the verse that supports their words and preach it. Haha, you didn't hear it from me though. 

There is a woman currently trending in Africa, we call her mama G.O, meaning female pastor or pastor wife, she has been dropping some messages on what will take people to hellfire, some of the things she mentioned are 

Football' which she describes as a direct ticket to hellfire, she said that both those that play football and the ones that watch it, because football is the game of Satan

Comedian' she said told her congregation that if anyone them has a dream to become a comedian, they should renounce Jesus before they become a comedian because all comedians are destined for hell

Breakdancer' she said breakdance was invented by Michael Jackson and he learned it from skeletons, skeletons means dead people, so if you are dancing breakdance, you are telling God you are dead. She said a lot of things though.


I believe that if we start teaching the kids about the digital world and find the field they fit it, either blogging or programming, I know things will start to develop for Africa and Africa will leave some mentality behind, especially the ones that still enslave us mentally if the fraudsters can recruit young boys as of the age of 15 to learn fraud, why can't we recruit them too and teach them about tech and programming, the world isn't as before and we shouldn't have the mentality of God will work everything out, if God wanted to work it out himself, he won't have given us free will to think and act, maybe all of us would have been a robot that follows others. Africa won't move if the people still have the same mentality, that's why you will see some Africans in Europe will become less religious because their mind has changed after they left Africa. Catch them young, what you don't teach your kids now, someone else will teach them the wrong way and you will be blamed for it. 

The main reason I used religion as the major problem instead of the government, is because Africa their religious leaders more than the government, for the government maintain power and keep Africa mentality as they are, they will talk to top religious leaders to talk to their people and the people will obey. Believe it or not, I have said my own

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2 years ago


Well the kids needed to be treated well and trained well. Otherwise they will be involved in bad things.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah. Very bad things, especially when they learn it from friends.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Why would you add that mama G.O nonsense to your article? what is not worth your intention shouldn't have your attention.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I still don't know the reason I added her though.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Aswear, how we handle church in Nigeria is out of this earth. Churches want to men to be tied to buildings 24/7 not minding if they have food or work they're doing outside. Church church church🥱. As for the children, the best time to learn and adapt to phones is NOW. I love it when my junior siblings are panting after phone...make them no do Yahoo Sha🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

😂You have to teach them skills, even if it's through youtube, before they start to fine white people to dagbo 😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahahaha. I've told the one of them to join noisecash. I never just get chance to tutor him well

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am not against in teaching the kids about this digital world. After all we are now in a modern world where technology works for many. Let youngsters have or shall I say hold a smartphone but with a proper guidance. Let them know only those useful informations like blogging as what you have mentioned...As for me, My kids had already a knowledge about how I earned online and i am happy to know that they are interested on it. They sometimes told me that whenever they grow up, they will also do like what I did to earn.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's true, teaching them early will make them strong and they have ideas on it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago