Love And Betrayal

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That tune flowed in my veins,

Propelling my nerves system,

Each day I yearned to be graced with your presence,

Seeing me you won't grow tired,

Your heart won't marvel anymore,

You will always have me.

As a man,

I have active hormones,

Gaining your trust was the first step,

Since your chest wasn't broken,

Your treasures I had to grab,

Your honey pot I had to lick,

It's sweetness I had to feel,

Loving you I did not,

I was after tasting your waters.

I had to lie to get what I wanted,

Sorry for hurting and breaking your innocent heart,

I just couldn't resist your beauty,

I didn't believe you when you said you're pure,

Your treasure, yes I robbed you of it,

But I don't regret it,

I had to do what I had to do,

You will get over it eventually,

It's a rite of passage in life,

Life itself is so cruel.

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Great poem

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Beautiful lines😍

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3 years ago