Still strong @80

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2 years ago


Hephep hooray!!!hephep hooray!!today is tatay Pablo's 80th birthday,thanks God he's strong at his age now .We wish him more birthdays to come and of course good health as always.

Today is my father in laws 80th birthday ,we are a little bit busy today .Since we are facing a pandemic today ,and gatherings are not allowed so,we only prepared food for us and for those who leads the novena.We didn't invites some visitors,we celebrate his birthday in my sister in laws house.

We prepared food for our lunch .Me and my husband's nephew are busy in the chicken .We prepared PANCIT ,i think every filipinos knows the recipe of pancit ,its our tradition to prepare pancit for any occasion especially for birthday celebration coz they said ,Pancit is symbolize long life.My sister in laws gave us money for tatay's birthday ,aside of preparing pancit ,we also cooked pork leg soup(nilagang baboy),grilled fish and chicken with sauce.

Around 6 am we already prepare the ingredients. I asked my husband's nephew to buy a fish in the market ,yesterday we already bought some of the ingredients we need . He buy 6 pieces of "Tulingan"fish ,the best way to cook Tulingan fish is to grilled.

In every birthday he celebrate ,he always offer a prayer ,a novena for St.Roque.The novena began at 9:30 and finish at 11:15 am .Matagal natapos kasi isang beses lang ang novena dapat 9 novena yan.Bali for 9 days novena yung ginawa nila.St.Roque is a catholic saint,a confessor whose death is commemorated on Aug16 and 9 of September in Italy.He is especially invoked against plague. He is the patron saint of Dolo(near Venice)and pharma.I don't know what the exact reason why my father in law always offer a prayer to him every he celebrate his birthday. Maybe yesterday was the celebration of St.Roque 's Fiesta.

Saint Roch
In my sister in laws house

My sister in law asked me to order a money cake,So i ordered it from my friend ,it cost 785 pesos .And she asked me to have it as a surprise for tatay ,he didn't have an idea that there is a money inside the cake ,we put 1000pesos bill in it.When i asked to pull out the candle ,he didn't have an idea on what's going on ,when he saw the 20peso bill ,he was surprise and feel so happy,coz we tell him that his daughter cannot give him money ,coz they don't have money for now ,they can't find extra job since its pandemic.But channannn!! Surprise!! I know hes so happy now ,he had more money now to buy coconut wine hihihi..And also we wrapped his favorite vitamins ,he's like my father ,their vitamins is "tuba "coconut wine ,we wrapped it with two bottles of coke.

After our lunch ,we give our surprises for him ,the money cake and wrapped coconut wine .He is excited to open the big box ,he didn't know what's inside it ,coz its a surprise hahaha!!

And of course ,i give also our gift to him ,my DIY milk and biscuit with candy bouquet .I didnt give money coz I'm worried he will not spend it for milk ,i was thinking he might spend it to buy coconut wine instead of milk hehheh .I was not able to captured photos when my son give this bouquet to him coz I'm busy preparing the table.After that its vedioke time.!

I was trying to make it on my own😅

We are happy to see him happy of what we prepared for him .He was happy even if it was a simple celebration.

His grandchildren ,that two small kids are my kids😊

We thank God that he didn't feel any sickness at his age now.Soon ,I will ask him if what is his secret to have that healthy body at that age hihihi. He even have complete teeth compare to my mother in law ,which is younger than him.

So,Thats all for my father inlaws birthday today .Thank you for spending your time to read .

Stay safe everyone and God bless.

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Avatar for Chelle18
2 years ago


happy birthday to your father in law. good thing he's still strong up to this age. you can still spend more time with him. he really enjoyed his special day. more birthdays to him and good health too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for your greeting😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hello, how familiar everything is. Your father-in-law really looks strong and healthy for turning 80. Congratulations to him. May God grant him more years in health. Greetings.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much for your greetings mam

$ 0.00
2 years ago

happy bday po sankanyaaa, nawa'y mas lumakas pasyaaaa

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Maraming salamat sa pagbati

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happy birthday to your father in law....parang hindi pa siya 80 ang lakas niyang tignan hehhe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes ,sobrang malakas pa ,madaldal kasi at hindi kinimkim problema nya 😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago