I called him "kuya"noon,asawa ko na ngayon

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2 years ago

Hey!!heyy!! Heyyy!!

Hephep hooray!!!!!

How are you to find out?Just kidding !!hahaha ohww ,im not miss everything huh! Seriosly,how are you guys?I hope you are all doing great,please stay safe because covid cases now is rising again some areas now are having a hard lockdown.

I hope and pray that this pandemic will end soon

.Since today is our 2nd wedding anniversary and we also celebrate our 6 years of being together as a couple ,as you've read the title ,i want to share to all of you now about our love story. As I've always said that im not good in writing but here i am ,trying and trying to write some article.

Anyway ,why i put that title?is he my brother thats why i used to call him kuya?No !!his not my brother ,"kuya"is what we call for someone whose older than us .Ok lets find out and know about our story.

But before that ,let me ask you a question,What is your ideal man?Are you looking for a rich man?a handsome guy?or a perfect one?Oohw ,i forgot that nobodys perfect except our almighty GOD.

Well,if you ask me that question,i should answer it ,my ideal man is tall,dark and handsome hehe.Just kidding again ,my ideal man is a person who had a pure ,kind heart and a responsible man.Im not looking for a handsome guy ,first im not pretty so,i dont have the right to look for a handsome one hahhahha.Physical appearance is not important to me ,i usually look what he inside as a human.

Where did I meet him?

I meet him in their home town ,when i was assigned to their place and his one of the guards in the department store where i am working.I worked there as a stockholder.Everytime i need someone to get stocks from the stockroom ,i called him for help ,This man is so annoying ,he refuse to help for many reasons.Everytime i need someone to help ,i will not call him ,but hes the one who offer for help ,i always said him"ambot nimo Kuya oi"hahaha.Lagi niya ako inaasar ,palabiro kasi siya ,minsan nakakapikon na nga kaya ayokong tumawag ng tulong sa kanya.

That time he had a live in partner and they have 1 kid but they are not in a good term ,they always fighting and end their relationship.Their realtionships last for six years but not totally living together because the girl before was working abroad and when she didn't back abroad again my husband rent a house for the girl and their son.My husband support all their needs,until the girl get pregnat from another guy,and decided to go back to manila with their son.My husband also that time had a girlfriend ,but that was not me hah ! Hahah.May kaniya kaniya na sila buhay ,after two years of my husband and his new girl broke up.Any way that time hes not anymore where im working.He was working as a QRT in a telecompany.Almost everyday he visited me at the store,he always said he want to courted me but not in a serious wat.And me ,im not interested of him ,aside that hes 10 year older than me ,he had a already a family before.One day he asked my phone number ,what i did was ,I wrote my number in a paper but not the complete one hahhaa.As i remembered i wrote "0912......ikaw na bahala sa pito hahahha.Naisahan ko rin siya .After his work ,he visited me in the store ,always makes some jokes ,sharing funny things.

One day ,our supervisor asked me to send some documents to the main office,but the LBC was in the next town ,so i have wait for a vehicle to the next town .I waited for almost two hours but i didn't found a vehicle .I saw him riding his motorcycle and called him ,asking if where he going .He offered me a ride since we have the same destination ,but the truth was ,he is not going to the next town ,sinasadya nya daw yun para maka usap ako .While riding ,i saw the serious side of him ,he tells me everthing about his family and his ex'es.He asked again my number ,binigay ko naman hehe ,kasi nga naka free ride ako hahha.

Every night ,after my work he always calls me ,and in the day time he visited me in the store.After a month of being always talked to him he asked me for a date.When i went home ,and visited my family ,he offer me for a ride ,but before i went home ,we stop over and looking for a restaurant for our dinner .That was our first date.After our dinner ,we talked a lot ,sharing funny and serious experienced ,i was waited that he would tell me about his feelings to me (Assuming ka gurl!)hahha but it doesn't happen. We always keep calling but he didnt tell me about his feelings .We keep on dating ,i dont what relationship we had ,maybe we had a "no label"relationship hehehe.

After 3 months of dating with him with "no label "i got pregnant ,so he decided me to mee his family i was happy that i found out his family is nice to me.It took 5 months before my family knew about us ,about my pregnancy.I was surprised that my parents are not angry but i know inside them ,they are disappointed because im the one who support them.

Our first picture together ,i was 3 months pregnant

I didnt stop working until i gave birth to our first son.During my pregnancy to giving birth ,we experienced a lot of problem,but we are thankful that we survive because of our strong faith to GOD.AFter four years living together ,decided to get married .Marriage is important ,Gusto namin maging legal kami sa mata ng diyos at ng tao ,itama namin yung pagkakamali namin ,as we all know living together not legal is a sin ,right?With the help and the support of our family our wedding days was happens last August 8,2019.

Tinatawag kung kuya noon ,magiging groom ko pala siya😂
Every girl's dream.
My husband's family.
My family.
The fruits of our love💖

Infront of the altar we promised that in sickness and health ,for poorer or riches ,till death do us part.Im the one who organize our wedding ,from the papers,dresses ,church ,reception area ,souvenir and everything .(we dont have much money to paid for organizers hehhee! Our wedding costs more or less 70k.We are blessed and thankful that my husbands siblings help us especially the financial.

Clossing thought

I believe that love dosen't matter about having an age gap,as long as you love each other ,and feel comftable each others ,things will work out

Accept every flaws you have and together you grow with the family you build and never forget to PUT GOD AT THE CENTER OF your relationship.

Before Iend this ,I just want to share what my father told us always ."In life of being married/couple always remember na kung mag aapoy asawa mo ,dapat maging tubig ka ,hindi mo pwedeng sasabayan ang pag aapoy niya ,dahil kapag kayong dalawa ay mag aapoy ,lalaki ang apoy and it turn to dust and done,Dapat tubig ka para ma kontrol mo ang apoy."

So thats all for today!!!

Thank you for taking time to read my article,feel free to read some of my articles.

Thank you so much ,stay safe and GOD BLESS

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2 years ago


Wow, kinilig naman ako nagbabasa ng love story nyo. hahahah, I am thinking of writing our story here but Nah... maybe sometime. All will be well with God's grace.Keep praying!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Go na sis ,share mo na love story nyo😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ang sweet naman hehe Happy 2nd wedding annniversary sa inyo. Kahit ano mang problema ang dumating for sure kakayanin niyo iyan ...fighting💪

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Salamat po😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

may lablayp pala sa "kuya" HAHAHAHA, ako nakipagbiruan ang ng baby noon jowa ko na ngayon HAHAHAHA

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tinotuhanan pala yung biro😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happy wedding anniversary to both of you. I enjoyed reading your love story and I love the part you said your ideal man should be kind and responsible. Sincerely, I don't look for beauty in a man but I want good qualities that could make us live forever.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for taking time to read🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ganda Ng storya niyo sis. 🥰 Sana makahanap ako Ng tubig Kasi lageh ako yung apoy 😁😁 stay strong sa relationship niyo at happy anniversary sa inyu ❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you sis 😊soon sis ,maka hanap ka din in Gods perfect time😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago