Announcing The Official Bitcoin Cash Foundation

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Avatar for CheapLightning
2 years ago (Last updated: 1 year ago)

As of this day January 29 2022 and this time 6:06PM I hereby formally declare the official Bitcoin Cash Foundation formed and active and awesome.


If you have used BCH you are already a member.

If you are a proponent of peer to peer electronic cash you are also one of the executives. There are a few million of us so we will have to take turns bringing snacks to meetings.

The rules are quite simple.

  • Use BCH

  • Encourage others to use BCH

That is all.

There are no annual dues. There are no membership fees.

There is no treasurer or treasury.


There is no secretary. There is no president. There are no headquarters.

There are however somewhat unified desires amongst a huge variety of people all over the globe.

Some of which include:

  • There is a desire to lift the unbanked into global finance.

  • There is a desire to transact freely across borders.

  • There is a desire to have a voice in how the economy works.

  • There is a desire to not have to trust governments or institutions with your own money.

  • There is a desire to be able to invest in something deflationary.

How do we grow as a foundation?

That is not as complicated as you might think. Trust your instincts and if you need help or advice feel free to ask the experienced. Do not be afraid to stand on the shoulders of giants or go out there and build, work and utilize this amazing tool that is free to use for anyone in the world who possesses a device that can connect to the internet.

You do not need the permission of me or anyone else to build or do your thing.

If you want to start a local meet up, start a meet up.

If you want to ask your local grocer to accept BCH in their store go ahead and ask.

If you want to design a game that uses CashToken NFTs to prove virtual land ownership, do it.

If you want to make BCH logo meme t-shirts... get designing and selling.

This is all up to you.

You are free to do whatever it is you want in the BCH SPACE but do not expect others to automatically jump on your idea...... To Be Continued.....

Sponsors of CheapLightning

$ 55.89
$ 39.35 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 10.00 from @majamalu
$ 2.00 from @btcfork
+ 10
Sponsors of CheapLightning
Avatar for CheapLightning
2 years ago (Last updated: 1 year ago)


Love to re-read this post!

$ 0.00
User's avatar btcfork
This user is who they claim to be.
We have manually verified this user via some other channel.
1 year ago

It is indeed good news! Where is the website or the Web3.0 site?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Meow indeed...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Glad to be a member already. Now let’s build!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Can't say no to a cat!

The permissionless environment of Bitcoin Cash allows anyone to build and offer services. I suppose even when everything is explained perfectly, nobody can take for granted the support of the community. Some ideas can materialize with time and effort. Basically, an idea is just the 10% of a full grown project. The rest 90% is the development process and the results it will bring.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes exactly!

$ 0.00
2 years ago