The mind needs control

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1 year ago
Topics: Mind

Monday 26th of September 2022.
Sponsors of Captainkay

Leadimage from pixabay by lograstudio

The mind is the main controller of the body system, what you have in your mind is what you do, teach your mind the way of the truth to and you will say and live by the truth. ~ K.D Maxwell

Now a days people commit lot of troubles that destroy lot of things and even there lives, some say the reason for that action is because they are used by the devil and another group will say the reason for that is because they allow evil to penetrate through the mind, which is true. The mind is the main controller of the body system what you have in your mind is what you are going to do wether good or bad, the mind will program your action through thought and then will carry it directly to the brain which will work towards it and make the action come to pass.

The main reason why people got defeated in a battle is because of the thought "they have in there mind, for instance when you want to fight against some one and he or she physical appearance look tougher or stronger than yours, you then said in your mind you will be defeated and then you will be defeated. " Look at David in the Bible who want to fight against Goliath, David didn't allow bad thought of defeat to penetrate through his mind he have a clear though of overcoming that why he became an overcomer in the battle.

The mind needs control so that human can gain total freedom from troubles and obstacles. Fear is a choice and fear can only be defeated and controlled by the mind if the owner of the mind allows it to happen. Both good and evil usually come to the mine looking for space to dwell in, if the mind lack good controls evil will usually dwell there and such being will be seen as a destructive agent and he or she is used by the devil, who only comes to steal and destroy.

When the mind lacks control it misbehave, doing what it should not do. The mind is the main controller of the body system what you have in your mind is what you do, the thought that runs in your mind will reflect with the physical realm. This is why you need to learn how to control the mind so as to avoid be lead astray by the evil thought in your mind, the mind needs control to gain freedom, it needs control to gain success.

The mind is the system behind the attitude and character of an individual. If an individual choose to be good it is by the power and thought of the mind if an individual also choose the wrong part, to be bad it is also by the power of the mind. Control your mind now so it don't lead you astray.


First published on hive.

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$ 0.82 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for Captainkay
1 year ago
Topics: Mind


You're very right. The body is just a tool while the mind is the engine. We should be able to control our thoughts .

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yes mam controlling it is the best option for greatness

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This is why we have to guard our thoughts.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes sis guard it tight to have a better mind happy to hear from you mam

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Certainly, mind needs control from all negativity

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes man that indeed true just like K.D Maxwell said :

The mind is the main controller of the body system, what you have in your mind is what you do, teach your mind the way of the truth to and you will say and live by the truth. ~ K.D Maxwell

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Exactly our mind needs control. Negative thinking causes a lot of misconception when occupied in mind. The Things with better control are the best one.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes that true sis, negative thinking causes lots of misconceptions

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I always try but lol sometimes and for instances I never win. 😁

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Never give up momma just keeping trying moving with the right people and then you will get a win.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I think so many things goes into why we choose what actions we take. Yes the mind chooses but it's up to us on our state of mind to an extent.

If were tired we may be grumpy, give the body and mind rest. If we are angry, step away come back. Not taking care of these two things and many others properly can lead to our minds going out of control.

Being in the right state of mind goes a long ways. I like your example of David and Goliath. Think positive will lead to doing positive.

Thank you I enjoyed reading

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Thanks so much bro for you support am so grateful ♥️

$ 0.05
1 year ago

No problem thanks for your earlier upvote on my article:) Have a great rest of your day

$ 0.00
1 year ago