Yay, It’s Weekend!

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2 years ago

Weekends are days when I get to spend time with myself. After a long and exhausting week, I'm finally able to rest and spend time doing the things that I enjoy. While attending college, academics can be extremely difficult and draining, with a never-ending stream of assignments, exercises and modules to complete as well as performance activities and reading materials to keep up with. I'm doomed if I don't get a weekend because, despite the fact that college is difficult, I still require time to breathe away the stress and negativity.

Despite the fact that we do not have a class on Friday, I still consider it to be a part of my academic schedule because, in order to be productive and efficient as a student, I must still complete some academic tasks in order to avoid being stuffed with work, especially since some of our professors assign work at random. Fridays are also a day when some of them conduct examinations or quizzes.

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So, what exactly do I do on the weekends?

Weekends begin with a load of laundry, which is the first thing I do. Every Saturday morning my brother and I created a routine for doing our laundry. It is important that we dress appropriately during classes, even in the online education setting, especially while doing synchronous classes, which will result in more laundry than usual. As a result, we have spare time every weekend to do laundry.

With the effect of the online setup, which necessitates us sitting in front of our tables with our gadgets for synchronous or asynchronous sessions, we may experience back pains or numb legs; as a result, we may choose to exercise on weekends in order to relieve the pain and prevent further pains from occurring. As we all know, exercise is beneficial to our health not just in terms of physical fitness but also in terms of mental well-being. I stretch first thing in the morning and then go about my day doing home duties, such as watering plants (which I do with a pail because the hose is too short) and sweeping the floor. I also go for walks when I have the opportunity, usually first thing in the morning and last thing in the afternoon, to keep my legs in shape.

If I have a lot of free time, I prefer to hang out with my friends and do things like go to parks, walk around the city, and watch sunsets on the beach. In the afternoons, I also go to our neighborhood to play basketball with my cousin, and our barkada occasionally sets up a timetable for us to play basketball late in the day till early in the evening on weekends.

However, if I'm stranded at home alone, I simply lie in my bed and do various activities such as watching anime, random videos on YouTube, scrolling through Facebook and Tiktok, and playing video games with my pals. I also sleep in the afternoons from time to time in order to recoup or rebuild my energy for sleeping late at night during the weekdays.

It is beneficial for us to take time out to relax and recharge our batteries.

We should also think for ourselves and rest because we deserve it. Whether you are a student or a working professional, you should schedule time for yourself to relax and do things you enjoy, especially this weekend, since we deserve it. Come on, let's spend our weekend doing things we enjoy doing for ourselves and with our friends.

Everyone, have a wonderful weekend!

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Written by
2 years ago


Happy weekend friend, its time to relax and prepare for the great week ahead

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes you're right, my friend. Let's enjoy our weekends and take our time to relax.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Saturday and sunday aren't my favorite coz I still have to work on Saturday and Sundays are boring to me coz am always alone lol... So I just use the chance to do my laundry

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yup, weekends are meant to live and relax and enjoy your life. Take rest in these days. Working like a robot will kill our emotions. We need some refreshments and weekends are the days for it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Saturday and Sunday are my favorite days. The reason is just like yours. I can do things I like such as sleeping and also do some household chores and hobbies. Like you said, it's important to also let ourselves regain energy, so I also sleep more during weekends.

$ 0.00
2 years ago