2022, Let’s set the ball rolling

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Written by
2 years ago

It’s day 2 of the New Year, 363 more days to go. I want to say Happy New year to us all, good health, settled finances, and all round success are ours to claim in this new year.

As with many of us are accustomed to, don’t feel pressured to roll out so call new year’s resolutions. Take each day as it comes which is every moment at a time. If you have unfinished/unmet targets and goals from 2021, this next 365 days are your second chances at meeting them.

And if you are looking for things/areas to focus on developing and making better this year, I’d be shedding more light on areas I think are most important. I hope you can learn one or two things from me 😊.

Areas to focus one’s attention on, in the new year.

I need to insert a full disclaimer here.

I do not know everything, I’m also human like you, who makes mistakes, but ultimately learns from them. I’m just going to be pinpointing few areas, my very little life experience has showed me matters a lot and should be paid cognizant attention.

Now that that’s out of the way let’s get started.

Let’s begin the ride

1. Faith

Our belief system acts as the foundation on how we live our life, it in a way influences the choices we make, and to an extent, a majority of our decisions rely on who and what we believe in. As Christians, you would notice that everything you do is centered around the word of God, which we call the Bible. We also believe that starting the new year must be with God. That’s why a special type of service called crossover service is organized at New Year’s Eve, where you have to pray into the new year. I’m a Christian, so pardon me if that’s the only faith I’m talking about, it’s actually the only faith I believe in.

You might be wondering why I chose faith at the number one to be focused on. It’s no news that what you believe in comes true 80% of the time, if you think positively, positive things would happen and this is because of something called the power of positivity.

In this new year, start with God. Commit your ways into his hands and he would direct your paths. Rest solely in his ability to help you at every step of the way and trust me, he would.

2. Finances

This is an aspect we should really focus on, I’m also talking to myself here. Let all your spendings be calculated and tracked, whether you earn little or so much, you still need planning. A little budget friendly calculated spending would spoil your rich Aunty vibes neither would it stop you from looking peng this year. In fact it would make your slayonce game top notch.

Here’s an example. It’s something I learnt from reading this book titled “Smart money woman” by Árese Ugwu.

I use the 50/20/20/10 format, which means I spend 50% of what I make on food, transportation, tithe and every other thing necessary, 20% is for flexing/buying new personal items/chilling out with friends, another 20% is my fixed savings, I do not touch this at all, the last 10% is my emergency savings, when I need a quick fix/rescue I run to it. And that’s basically how I run my finances.

Investments are a great deal, when I need to invest I pull out of my fixed savings for it, and for now I do just little to no risk investments. The returns aren’t so huge but then my money is secured hence I’m fine. Just remember to do what works for you.

3. Relationship

Be intentional about your relationships with people. Make new friends, keep old ones, be that friend you want to have as a friend to others. You see in that moment when you are down, sad, heartbroken, feeling dejected, it’s your friends that would be there to help you out of it.

Look at the story of Job, when life struck him hard and dealt him the blow of pain and sickness, it was his friends that stood by him, they cried with him and also encouraged him, that’s what friends are for. Also you know how your friends show up for you when you are in a fix? That’s what you get when you are intentional about the relationships you keep.

4. Health

Good health can never be overrated, In all you do, make sure you never compromise on your health no matter what. Eat good food, exercise regularly, when you are sick go to the hospital, don’t self diagnose or self medicate yourself. I know they say Google is your friend, but please note that it isn’t your doctor. Get an health insurance plan for your self and your aged parents too so you don’t have to pay through your nose when you need medical attention.

Above all else, rest well too, this is very vital. Remember that company that looks like they can’t do without you hence makes you work around the clock, would hire someone else the moment you die.

5. Career

What's life without having a fulfilled career. This new year is a time to get that degree you have always wanted, it’s a time to strive to be at the peak/highest level of your career. It’s another chance to strive to do excellently well at whatever it is. Go for gold, beyond the sky is your limit.


I'll love to drop my pen here. I wish us all a wonderful and prosperous year. Year 2022 would be your best year yet. Thanks for taking out time to read, I do not take it for granted. Thanks to all my sponsors, I’ll keep getting better and better everyday.

All pictures used are from unsplash, big thumbs up to them.

Love you all always ❤️.

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Written by
2 years ago


Hmmm, I have a big plan this year, and it is marriage. Hope all things fall in place though. Happy New Year.

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User's avatar xus
2 years ago

Well said, we should make more plans focus more on our faith, finances, relationships and careers. And hope we achieve more through the year.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes we should. Thanks Dan

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2 years ago