Show Your Love, Why Hide Love

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1 year ago
Topics: Show, Love, Fear, Emotion, Advice, ...

It has gotten to that point where it expedient that people see the need to express love and show it enough for the other people to receive and truly acknowledge being loved. We frequently come up with different excuses as to why we are acting so hard as though we don't feel deep emotions or we aren't romantic, but then we all want someone else's to be all these to us, what do you call that. Not going to buttress that point that we all have one life which is so uncertain, so its important we cherish each moment with another and live with no regrets, these is so true, however more important, showing forth love is like awakening the soul, that little show of love does alot to a person psychological and physically, it also boost confidence which in turn does a lot of good.

If we can distinguish between children that were properly loved and those who weren't based on their characters, then how more important do we think that showing off love should be. Although I must agree that so many reasons exist as to why someone would want to hide their love from people, tangible reasons infact but hey most of the reasons are wrong reasons. Well most things comprises of both good and bad right. So yea, there are good reasons as well as there are totally wrong reasons. Yet in the good reasons you'll discover that it really isn't worth it. No one likes to be hiding, make him or her feel important, the love is sweeter when you know he isn't ashamed of you, it gives more security to the relationship.

Sometimes we must agree that no one is perfect and we must just make up our mind about one person and stick to him or her, unless you're a polygamist, then you can go by your culture, but on the normal no one loves to share, if you are mine, then you're mine alone, don't go about getting another. Already it loses its specialty, its pride knowing that it isn't you alone owning the person, then what's so special, this is applicable to both male and female, no man what to share his girl with another, and no lady likewise want to share their man, we all want to feel special, and it's our sole responsibility to make our partner feel better.

Now we see the reason for public proposals, a clear indication that I choose you over everyone else, you're so special to me, I so much prefer you to the world. These to some people is so unnecessary, though I feel they are somewhat scared of rejection, to others it's so necessary. A special person to you needs to know he or she is special, apart from the obvious fact that it makes them feel good, it also gives more assurance that this partner of mine is serious about me. Infact there is no need to consider and fret of rejection, especially as a man because you knew what you want and went for it, sadly life happens and the person didn't agree, well you feel bad and soon move on.

Maybe I dwell on partners too much, we shouldn't think this applies to only our partners alone, no, so many people are special to us, some from family, some from actions done, we aren't wrong to make them know that they mean a lot to you. As parents telling your kids "I love you" sends a good feeling down the spine, it increases the connection, in some homes, the kids-parents connection isn't so strong and while it could be other serious issues, it could also be resolved by an expression of affection. Don't find it hard to be expressive, you aren't too forward or embarrased when you're expressing your feelings.

Recently spoke with a married friend who I saw to be very expressive, he could see you in the morning and use over 10 minutes to compliment you, by the end of your time with him, you must leave with a huge smile on your face, though he did it alone to few people whom he was very close to, people could be funny and get the wrong ideas you know. So recently I was telling him how easy he does it, I don't think I can just see you and start complimenting you, you may feel I want a favor from you, cause that would be very unusually of me. However he replied me and his response opened my eyes to a lot of insight.

According to him, at first he wasn't that guy to be doing all that, he got married and they were just living normal I guess, and discusssion, funtime, sex , everything was just normal, then he really wanted to spice things up, he was still young, he needs that excitment in his life, and he principles can't allow him cheat on his wife, so after much thoughts and research he decided to spice things up, amidst buying gifts and frequently doing fun stuffs, he imbibed the attitude of expressing his love for his wife, oh my love you're beautiful, no you're extremely beautiful, did you change your cream cause you have a different glow today.... this got her smiling and the smiling positions the mood well, the food got better, the normal discussions got more interesting, sex was wow, cause he was happy and she was happy.

Why not, what's the hold up, why are you shying from expressing those heartfelt love to those who matter. Well there's firstly nothing to lose, and no point to be ashamed, as long as they are worth it, then they are worth being allowed to know. Good friends exist that have done so much already, parents has always been making sacrifices, partners has been by you through thick and thin, your children are the best gift of God to you, come on, don't be ashamed to tell it to the world, yeah, this is coming from me, I love you guys.

Thank You and keep reading. ONE LOVE.

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1 year ago
Topics: Show, Love, Fear, Emotion, Advice, ...


There are really people who are not expressive for their feelings. But it should not be there habit, if it's too much it can be dangerous especially when you're in a relationship. If you want to keep someone show her that you love her, both in act or words.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Truly our expression does a lot, no mind is a mind reader to know people's intentions without seeing it, it's from actions we can conclude, its important we show it, when you care for someone then show it.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I think everyone who has feeling for Someone must express their love instead of putting on prioritise.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Exactly, theres no need to hold up or delay.. if the person is worth it, then love up completely. We can only show love as long as we live, so love entirely, and should the person betray, find another to love. Love is beautiful.

$ 0.00
1 year ago