See, Before You Conclude
Haven't you heard the phrase"seeing is believing " the word seeing in context indicates different forms of observation, it could be hearing for yourself, it could be having the experience by yourself, it could even be thinking for yourself, all meaning come see for yourself before drawing out a conclusion. So many times our plans are changed when we discover the reasons why some things happen the way they did, people can view things from different perspective and that can cause strive between two or more people, until they uncover the true ideologies of their opponent and see things clearer. One of the best method of resolution has always been hearing from both side, seeing from all angles.
Learning to understand before taking action can also be likened to this topic of discussion. Actions however and whatever they are would always cause an effect, however the severity of the action would determine the extent of the effect and likewise the corresponding reaction, we don't expect to take actions without expecting a backward reaction. For this cause, its essential that we carefully understand an action and its possible reactions before that action is taken, so we don't lose sleep or worst because of an action that wasn't carefully calculated. Before we conclude in our heart to take an action, we should have seen and though about it carefully.
The class of people who are usually guilty of not seeing before concluding are the intelligent ones, just as a craftsman who has spent many years in a particular job would be so confident and begins to overlook the little things same applies to those who over have proven to be smart, smart enough to understand the human behaviors and character, the most of them jump into conclusions and would stick to it defending it, the reason for this rugged defense isn't cause they are sure they are right, rather its because they are scared to be wrong, the name they are trying to preserve wouldn't make them neutral enough to see the other perspectives clearly. So rather than trying to defend a stand point we aren't sure about, why don't we carefully see before we conclude.
It's another reason never to write anyone off, never make a conclusion about someone be it good or bad, in this case even when you see and see clearly still be careful to conclude as change can happen to anyone at anytime, it's no news how the supposedly good person are turning into the wrong side and on the other hand how the bad people are becoming good, so who can judge, who can conclude about a person to say this is how he would surely and or this is how she would definitely end, the best we can do is to conclude on characters, as character exhibitions are like seeds, they would bring forth fruits surely.
So when I say "Alex be careful, cause should you continue like this, you may get insulted" in not concluding on Alex as a person, but his current attitude, so if he continues that way he surely would get insulted cause that's what that character leads to, however if has every tendency to change and should he change then the rule doesn't apply to him anymore. So even when we see clearly yet because humans are guided by decisions and it's totally up to us to decide, one minute we are doing this, the next we are loving that, so never judge anymore rather preach hope to everyone. The wicked should know there's a chance for them to make amends, every offenders should know they can be forgiven, these hopes are powerful.
See before you conclude on any matter, 6 viewed from the top would appear as 9, both having different answers yet both correct, sometimes after we meddle in an argument and discover much later that the one we were against was correct all along, we can try to look for that person to express our new view but may never see them again, this are reasons never to hurry. See clearly before you conclude, understand more before you debate, you never know who is ignorant, don't feed people with the wrong perception.
Thanks For Reading. Next time see before you conclude, study before you teach, understand before you pick sides to an argument. We need to do a lot of things right. Much love to everyone.
We have to wait and to understand the situation. Like 6 and 9 both are correct but accordingly. The rush toward judgment might give you a wrong result.