Never Be Too Available

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I wish people would learn to appreciate those who endeavor to make theirselves available whenever they you need them, it's not because they are jobless or not having anything better to do with their time or you're the best and most special person on earth, its simply for love and respect and this both attribute shouldn't be taken for granted. Its tiring when efforts are not reciprocated but rather there begin to be some sense of entitlement to recieving the love you don't reciprocate, such as this I unapologetically term as selfishness. Appreciate those who give you their time and when someone doesn't respect your effort then it's better to withdraw, moreover they are not your children, keep loving but love smart.

When there's a higher demand over the supply of a commodity then automatically that should cause a rise in price for the commodity, its applicable to most areas of life as scarcity causes more yearning for whatever or whoever. Yes whoever also, cause as humans we too can be scarce, not meaning we go into hiding away from the world and just showing out of the blue, rather its more like limiting the way you feed out yourself to people, we all know our worth and how we ought to be treated but mostly it isn't so therefore there's something we aren't doing, we're probably missing out something.

No one is perfect, any level you are, as long as you're trying and showcasing then you should be appreciated, many people in the world don't try at all. No one would be spotless without mistake, so you're a star just how you are, no filters. Self confidence is a good tool needed if you're to put up with others, seeing Yourself when others aren't seeing is a great step to greatness. If you never stopped knowing you can do it, then others actions would have less impact on you.

When the Bible says a prophet is not honoured in his own home, what was he trying to talk about, remember he said also that Jesus was not able to perform any miracle in Nazareth, that's his hometown. Then what's wrong, did he loose his powers anytime he stepped home, definitely not. Since believe, having faith is a great force to pulling miracles our way, then who would believe in that young boy they all saw playing on the sands, running round the streets on his underwear, maybe his mates were more skillful than him, but you're the Messiah, isn't this a joke.

Our thoughts as humans has a way of treating strangers more special than those close maybe its the thrill of something new. Do you remember liking that new student in your class more than those there already, well until you all become friends. When actually does who have been there from the very start should be accorded more attentions love and respect. It's very hurtful whenever we see people who came before treated with more importance simply because our needs are not so needed at the time, then they come smiling when they need our help again.

More reason why all famous people won't be your friend until you too become popular, see reason why those people limit the relationship with their past when they hit the spotlight, some might say its pride, others know its for the market value. Of course what makes the likes of gold, diamond, silver a very valued commodity apart from its beauty is the fact that its not easily gotten, it takes a good digging out and refining, you all want it right, then why don't you go get it yourself.

If you happen to be the brother or sister to a popular celebrity, you wouldn't have to be in a crowd praying and hoping for a signature, not minding if you might faint in the crowd. Well as the celebrity sibling you might be feeling everyone is just crazy, why go through such inconvenience, forgetting that just she too goes crazy over that product, brand or person she likes or crushes after. Sometimes its good we create our own scarcity ourselves, a deliberate movement to earn our rightful standing in the view of people, if you're not comfortable staying alone then you've got to start learning, or at least a small group is okay.

Marketing strategist knows how to manipulate the market to their favour, special advisors and media personalities knows how to portray their selves to the public to get them wanting more. No doubt scarcity attracts value, and value is money, in fact value is big money. First get value, then apply scarcity. Don't go scarce without having value, you might end up running back in hunger in need, create value then preserve the values worth by ensuring its continually regarded by people, being too available often makes people depreciate their view of a thing or person.

Thanks for reading, life works better when it's intentional. Work out your life with great planning. Have a productive day.

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No matter how I try to be not available to some people, there's really something within me that calls to help someone, especially those people I know, and they're in need. I'm used to helping people before, especially, at school academically, but later on, I realized that I am just being used by them. I tried to stop helping those people, but I really can't. Now, I'm telling myself to try harder.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's a good trait, helping is great, however there are few others with whom it would be clear that they are using you, they really don't like or want you. They would must likely hurt you when they don't have a need for you anymore, you can keep helping but never get attached to such a person.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh! A good read. I made myself readily available, yes, I realize just now its bad but... no regrets. I made myself available for a friend who was dying of cancer. That anytime shed call, especially after work, she can easily reach me. That was a commitment to her! So in a little way we can chase her blues away. Now she is dead, I'm available but more of silent mode, like nobody knows I'm available. Silent mode in a sense that my contact details are not available for them to feast on and already unfriend such unnecessary friends.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Wow... this indeed is another view to it, if you didn't make yourself available to your friend while she was alive you would be regretting it now. Truly some people needs our attention and if we can then we must, however some take it for granted, to these category of people, we should resist to urge to be always available.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, indeed, I will definitely regret for not making myself available for her while she was alive. As for the other people, I already let go of those people.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

😂😂... no time to be wasting on unappreciative folks

$ 0.00
2 years ago