We React Differently

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2 years ago

Just like the adage goes, there is nothing new under the sun. Everything that is happening, has happened before and will happen again. When we are faced with certain challenges, it looks as if it is bigger than us and as if we are the only ones experiencing it. Others have passed through this too. Some overcame, some didn't but learnt a great deal from it.

Covid 19 has been predicted long before it happened. It eventually came to pass. The truth is every single person on this earth will face challenges. We would all be tested. There would be circumstances that try to shake us.

For instance, breakups in relationships. After breakups, people react. Some might be sad, some relieved, some happy that they have gotten over maybe an abusive relationship, some might even break down and go through emotional instability.Whatever it is, you will notice that the way you respond to a heartbreak is different from the way another person or your partner would.

Another example is that of our parents when you discuss your relationship lives with them. They react differently. Some might spark when you tell them of your feelings, some might advise you with care, some might scold you but that doesn't mean they do not love you. We have to understand that people perception differs. We have to understand people especially those we call our family and friends. We are wired differently. Therefore, we can only react differently.

Transfer of Aggression

Perhaps, you have heard of this statement-transfer of aggression. Let me explain it this way, let's say someone stole your phone. It is normal for you to be angry and very emotional. At that time, all you will be having is mixed feelings. Maybe someone asks you a simple question and then you respond angrily. You have transferred angression here. Because the person is not the cause of your problem and isn't the thief but you decided to take it out on that person.

Although, it's not easy to keep your cool in such situation but that's the best thing to do. Remain calm. Don't vent it out on strangers. Do things that will help you to cool down. You can call that friend that understands you better or you can listen to music. Just make sure you don't lose your temper. Because at the end, it won't be worth all the tears, anger, moodiness. Let bygones be bygones and move on with your life.

I appreciate you for reading this.

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Written by
2 years ago


There are situations where people share their own views and have different reactions. It is normal and it is fine. We different perception, opinion, and stand on things so we react differrently from others.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's true that we have different perception of things and we are bound to see things differently. Understanding this will help us leave at peace with people around us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed , in every situation we all react differently. We all have different levels of sensitivity and so we cannot guarantee that things will looks the same to everyone.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Perfect explanation. You are right dear Garreth

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2 years ago