So good to be back

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Written by
2 years ago

I was introduced to read cash by a friend. She told me of how much it improved her writing skills and how it also helped her financially by meeting her needs.

But I'm happy I'm back, writing again. I hope to do this everyday. To be consistent because consistency is the key. Tomorrow is the last day in the month of June. I know July will be better but we have to do things better, in a different and unique way to achieve a desirable result.

One thing I'm working on is stepping out of my comfort zone for that is where life is. I'm at home presently. Just trying to work at home. I hope to earn on read cash.

I have listed in my journal some things that I would like to be consistent with in the month of July.

The first is exercise. I would love to exercise daily no matter how small. I have been doing this before but relented recently. It's been raining recently in the morning so I haven't really been able to jog. But I try to trek for at least thirty minutes daily. Staying at home has made me add weight so I'm trying to shed some. But I love me. I love the way God created me. I'm not complaining at all. At the same time, I have to keep fit. Having a nice body and a good shape is a really good thing.

The second thing is self-confidence. I kind of preferred a one to one conversation to a public speech or address. I'm kind of introverted. I don't like public speaking. It makes my heart beat faster. Well, I've done it before. I'm trying to improve on myself to be able to speak before people no matter their number. Self-confidence is great. People tend to respect you and value your opinion when you are bold or confident. I don't really like shyness. I have shy friends as well as very bold friends. I love being around the bold ones they kind of motivate me to believe in myself and not be intimidated by anybody.

I would also like to give myself to reading. Reading is good. It adds to ones knowledge and broadens our mindset. So my goal is to read at least a book per week. In a month, I would have read four books that way. Well, I have to pay for most of those on my read list. I'll order them when I have the money.I have a friend that is a bookworm she said she would lend me some of her books. She bought them. It's just that she travelled and might not be coming anytime soon but I will wait.

Reading my Bible everyday. I read my Bible everyday just that I want to increase the number of verses I read daily and spend more alone time together with God because God is the reason of my being. I can't imagine living life without Him. He has always been there to help.

Reduce social media activities or should I say reduce spending too much time online. I love watching videos especially funny ones. First, I promise to watch only three videos before I know it, I have already watched fifteen videos. It's not an addiction; it's just a craving. I just can't help it. Sometimes, it's until I check my data balance before my brain reset to default.

I'll stop here today. See you in my next article ... I'm glad you read this💯🤍

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Written by
2 years ago


I got here through a recommendation from someone I know two years ago. Goodluck on your journey here and I am looking forward to more pieces of writing from you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's so nice. Thanks for commenting

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also came here through my friend. He told me that here you can build your vocabulary so I just came

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We have good friends then that want us to be better

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope you'll accomplish consistency in all the things you've mentioned. Fighting!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Fighting! Thank you and I hope so too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are welcomed to the site, you will enjoy your stay here

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope so too. Thank you very much.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You welcome

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2 years ago