Keeping a Diary

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2 years ago
Topics: Diary

Happy Sunday readers. Did you go to church today? Hope service was great?

Well, I'll be writing about keeping a Diary and why you should. You may ask, what is a diary? A diary is a journal where you keep records of daily activities and experiences (both the good and bad). It is putting down one's thoughts. There you can share what happened during your day, what you achieved that day, how you feel. It is becoming a writer in your own world.

You don't necessarily have to own a physical diary. There are diary apps on the internet that you can download. And you can try to sync it to your Google account in case you change your phone. But I'd recommend the physical one 'cause things written down tend to go unforgotten.

A diary is meant to be private. It is meant to be read by you alone unless you decide to show it someone. You shouldn't read other people's diary, it is very wrong! Maybe,there are times you feel someone reads your diary you won't feel free to write expressly because you don't want someone knowing your secret.

Just like I mentioned earlier, you can write about things you want to achieve in say three months time. And because you check your diary everyday, it kind of motivates and reminds you that you can achieve those things. And before you know it, you've drafted a plan about how to go about it and right before you open your eyes, you would discover that such goal is aIready a walk-over. I've done this severally and it has worked for me, of course with the help of God. What about things you've achieved, put them down. Maybe you got an admission, make sure to write about it, when it happened, where you were, how happy you were when you got the news and the expected day of graduation. This helps you to keep track of when it all started.

You can also put down your feelings and raging emotions. Doing this makes it feel like you are speaking to someone about it (this is not to replace human figures in our lives). It cools you down a bit. You become quiet in your mind. Although, you can still speak to someone about it.

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Hope you enjoyed reading? Give a thumbs up if you did.And remember to keep a diary. Bye for now 🥱

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Diary


I tried most of the time to maintain a diary. But I lose every time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Maybe you should try downloading the app instead. You can't lose that unless you lose your phone or choose to delete the app

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I can still remember when I have a diary and it was exposed to my classmates. That's was really an embarrassing

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I can imagine. Sorry to hear that but now when you think about it, you will start laughing

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Seriously? Ensure to keep it well so as not to be embarrassed with what comes next.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello, friend you thoughts give this idea about my diary before. It talks about my crush and I described him alot in such a way that is salient. I tend to keep my diary in a private place I don't want others will know my hidden thoughts on my diary. It's embarrassing if someone knows

$ 0.00
2 years ago