Celebrations and Funny Memories

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2 years ago

If it is not too late, I would like to wish every Muslim here happy eid-el Kabir. I hope the celebration went well? Should I be expecting my share of the ram killed or I should face front? πŸ˜ƒπŸƒ

I am a Christian and from a Christian home but we are surrounded by Muslims. We have mostly Muslim as neighbors which isn't a bad thing. We interact and relate well with one another. We behave just like families although there are boundaries. The more Muslims you have around you, the more food you should be expecting during Salah or any other 'odun'.

Here in Nigeria, during any religious celebration, we share love by mostly giving (cooked) food, drinks and meat to our neighbors, friends and families. I enjoy visiting my Muslim aunties during this period because I know of a surety that I eat and eat.

I can remember when I was young, we would always fight on who would take food to a particular person's house during Easter or Christmas celebration. We don't fight for nothing. When you give such person the food, the person will in return give you money though it might be little and also pray for you. That money is called 'owo odun' in Yoruba. At first, you try to reject the money when first offered to you but at the second or third attempt of the person, you collect the money stylishly and say thank you ma/sir. You go home with joy after such moment.It makes us really happy then.

But this life is give and take. Nothing goes for nothing. My brother was telling me yesterday that he might end up building his house amongst Muslims. Them, my mom said if they give you, you have to give them too. Not like they will ask you to give them but you yourself know that you have to repay good with good and food with food. So, that's it.

But it was really fun yesterday. Not only that, we had light/electricity all through the day even up till now. It might not be a big deal to you if you have a constant supply of electricity in the state you reside. I even heard that in some countries, they notify the people there when there won't be light. You guys are lucky oπŸ˜‚. Here NEPA or is IBEDC can take the light anytime without notifying anybody. You can just get a generator or probably a solar panel to support. If not, you have to go around with your charger looking for where to charge or pay to charge in case you urgently need your phone. Welcome to my country, Nigeria. I still love you, dear country and would never stop loving you. Just that I wish things were better.

So, we had light yesterday. I was at home all through. I watched movies on the TV as well, slept and of course ate lots of rice till my stomach couldn't take more. I have come to like eating ram. On a norm, we don't buy ram to eat. We eat beef and chicken most times. So, I enjoy eating ram meat. I like the way it taste especially the skin.

Well, thanks for reading this πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°. And once again happy eid-el Kabir.Have a fulfilled week ahead.

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Written by
2 years ago


Give and take is one of the most enjoyable and memorable thing a neighbors could share.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah it is. It binds neighbours closer

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am also surrounded by Muslims here, food was just entering from left to right this evening. Everywhere set today, my mouth don dey pain me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ahh PeleπŸ˜‚ It's enjoyment galore during periods like this

$ 0.00
2 years ago