A Happy Relationship

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Written by
2 years ago

We all want or hope to get married someday. And most importantly, to the person we love. We want to live and grow old with that person.

From what I heard, most of the time, you get to know your partner's true colour more when you are married. This is because you guys are now living together. Whether the person is neat or has just been forming to be a neat person, you will get to know eventually. But I usually wonder why it takes long for us to realize this, to see our spouse's faults and flaws. Or maybe we were just blinded by our love for that person. That's why you hear some married people say: I didn't know he was like this or she wasn't this way when I married her. Some even go to the extent of saying: if I knew she was like this I wouldn't have married her or if I knew this side of him, I would have just said NO to his proposal.

We all want a happy marriage. I believe we can achieve that. Many have failed in the school of marriage and considering this might discourage one from getting married. But, look on the bright side, a lot of people are in thriving marriages, happy and content.

We have to put God first too. God is love.He would help us to live in love with one another as long as we always ask for His help and walk according to his will.

I also want to believe that communication is key. We communicate our feelings, emotions and thoughts. We should learn to carry each other's burdens and rejoice in each other's happiness. We should never underestimate the power of communication. Couples should laugh, fight, smile, talk, gist as many times as possible.

Well, I would like your opinion on what I am about to share. I have a friend that just got engaged. She has Beena with this guy for about three years now. She claims she loves him. They are yyvery close. She knows and visits his parents likewise him. Her boyfriend or should I say fiance has anger issues. He has never beaten her but on countless occasions she has told me he raises his voice at her. There are times they would have a disagreement and he would send her out of the house and sometimes out of the car. To me, he is kind of violent. I've told her to not do something she will later regret. Although, there is no perfect person anywhere but we shouldn't endure what will later affect us in the future. So, what do you think about this? Do you think she should call it quit or continue? I would appreciate if you comment on this. Thank you!

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Written by
2 years ago


For me it is a red flag in the relationship. If that guy could change and will know to control his anger then it would be better. If not? come to think what the guy can do to her when they got married. He has that bad actions while they are still engage.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Okay. I'll let her know. It's a red flag that shouldn't be ignored

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We can just give some piece of advice but the choice still come from her...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes everyone wants happy marriage in their life but due to increasing divorce rate people are reluctant to marry now

$ 0.00
2 years ago

God should just help us. Let's not get discouraged

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think this is a warning sign to her. A man who is violent may do something funny later especially in the marriage. If he has started raising his voice and sending her out of the car while still courting, what is the probability that he won't act worse in marriage?

She has her choice because no one would tell her to leave him but the first thing is to talk with him and if he isn't planning to change, then she should do what her heart says.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

She says she can't waste the three years she has been with him. Well, just like you said, she should just follow her heart.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I won't say she shouldn't continue with the relationship, for now, she needs to talk to the guy about that habit of chasing her out in the house or car. She should ask if that's how he will keep doing if they get married and after that if the guy repeats the same thing on another occasion, she should run for her life and look for the perfect guy cos it's wrong. What if it's a highway at the night and an argument happen, will he tell her come down from the car? That's bad. She should leave the relationship if such continue before it's too late.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True talk. I think she should leave the guy before it's too late

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, that's the best option.

$ 0.00
2 years ago