My Failure at Medium Platform
Hello to all the beautiful read dot cash family! How are you?
People are always interested to share their success stories. I love to share my failures as well. Because when I shared my failures, it gives me satisfaction someone will be saved and learned after reading this article. Two days ago, my membership got expired and now I am here to share the conclusion point with you people.
What is a medium Platform?
What are Publications in Medium?
How we can be the effective writer on medium?
Closing Thoughts
What is a medium Platform?
Medium Platform is one of the best content writing sites where authors shared all information about Cryptocurrencies, Health, Social Media, etc. Platform paid you on the hit and trial method better known by Algorithm. Mostly, the medium user claimed it is reading time that matters a lot. Yeah when you opened an article on medium, your activities like scrolling ups and downs and reading are noted by the platform and benefited to Author. So if you want to join a medium then must sure your content has quality and originality.
What are Publications in Medium?
I joined medium on 16th August, I was unfamiliar with Publications on Medium. Hence, I failed to get a lot of viewers. It was a big factor in my failure. Hence, I want to share my views about it.
Publications are like communities here but there are two key differences you must know.
On Medium each Publication accepts your articles in draft form. It means your article should not be published with specific requirements or some special Tags. So first read the Guidelines about posting in Publications first before submitting your article.
Each Publication checked your spelling, grammar as well as Punctuation before publishing. They contact you through emails on medium sites. You have to respond in a limited period otherwise they will reject your article without any notice.
How we can be effective writers on medium?
No doubt, I failed on medium because I was a newbie and my all month was spent learning. Patience is a virtue but I was not known to many rules that came to know me after I made mistakes. There are the following instructions, I shall give you on medium if you are new.
Generate genuine and full of Quality Content
You can write an article only on the website, there is no story writing option in Android or application
You can set a private tipping option on the medium provided by them, still, they have not set their tipping system
Check it through the Grammarly application before submitting your article
Search the Publication in which your article titles matched
Must read the Submission Guidelines before submitting the article
Must recheck your article for Grammar and instructions given by each Publication before submission
Pick the 5 subtitles relating to your article
Respond rapidly when a moderator from any Publications and fix errors and requirements mentioned by him or her
Wait with Patience for the given duration in each Publication
These things I learned after making mistakes. Hence, I shared my mistakes plus all the good points followed by good authors there. Here was my progress on medium, I never failed shame because I joined medium for learning only. If you have potential and want to join, then just click here.
16th-August Performance
Sep-16 Performance
Closing Thoughts
I accept my failure on medium and one thing I like the most is the reason behind my failure. I still didn't have to renew my membership because of shorting of funds. Might be someone generous here who can sponsor my Membership. So first I decided to join as many Publications as I can. I want to learn from their authors, then might in near future I renew my membership. Medium Platform, I found different from Hive, Publish0X, and read dot cash. On that Platform, moderators were strict and bound to Quality and genuine content. Again I requested to all who want to join must read this article as a lesson and then join. If you join by clicking here, you can get a free membership for a month.
What a coincidence. I just wanted to start learning and navigating through medium even when I have opened an account long time ago. Thanks for sharing these tips. It's of use for me.