5 Tips to Sharp Your mind

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2 years ago

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Hello to all the beautiful read dot cash family! How are you?

Sorry, I was inactive for a few hours. I already described my mood in my previous article. Now I recovered back hence I decided to share something great with all of you. The human brain needed some activities to make it sharp. If we didn't do anything then we got rusty and slow in thinking. There are the following 5 tips to sharpen your mind.

  • Repeat Information

  • Regular Study of Books

  • Accept Challenges in games

  • Follow Schedule

  • Quality Sleep

Repeat Information

We daily upload a pile of information in our minds. Our mind saves them into a cortical portion and makes a short-term or long-term memory. For Instance, if we had read a book year ago, then this book will be new when we re-read it after a year. Hence, it is recommended there should be a strictly followed repeating Cycle. We should repeat the Information we had fed into our minds. Three to four times repeating make a permanent memory in our mind.

Regular Study of Books

People have different Habits of reading books. Some read novels and newspapers and some read digestive. We should focus on reading quality books. Regular Study of books updated our knowledge. Because there are many discoveries daily and all this information changes daily. I am strictly against the short notes culture that destroyed the habit of reading books.

Accept Challenges in Games

Whether it is blogging or it is gaming, I am always ready to accept Challenges. Recently, I am facing with financial Burden. I am hopeful, that I shall be able to minimize it, and later this burden will be terminated. Again there is no shortcut to success. We should accept Challenges in our life. These challenges are good activities for our minds. Accept Challenges and do your best to fulfill them. I consider it one of the best activities for sharping of mind. I give a challenge to all my friends here to explore some facts for sharpening minds.

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Follow Schedule

There should be a schedule for everything. A good schedule will give rise to a good routine. Many people, I have seen using mobile are wasting their time on useless activities. Negative activities cause fatigue and affect badly to our memories. Hence, we should make a proper schedule for everything. Without a schedule, our all activities are useless. To sharpen your mind, you must have a schedule. For Instance, there are Circadian Rhythms in our minds. It works effectively when it has a good schedule. Pineal Gland worked best in the presence of a good schedule.

Quality Sleep

One of the best things, all human minds enjoyed is sleep. Everyone did his best to take a rest. But I shall emphasize Quality sleep. Yeah after engaging your mind in different activities, your body needed a good sleep. For Instance, if you are using an Android phone, it needed charging to function again. In the same manner, quality sleep worked like charging of mind. We should follow first a proper Schedule for everything then we should enjoy Quality sleep to recover our strength and energy.

Closing Thoughts

There are a lot of activities available for sharping of minds. But I shall recommend to you some virtual things that worked better to sharpen your mind. Don't sit idle that is the main thing to rust our mental abilities. Always do some activities and must engage yourself in more proper and good work. I have seen gaming, sports, and mental crafts for the sharpening of minds. But I found the above things best among all. I hope you shall follow these instructions and find your sharp mind soon. Still, I am not well, hence I want to take a break here.

Thanks for reading and supporting me.

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2 years ago


sleep quality. maybe this is a way that I myself have not been able to do. I often sleep late at night and end up not having quality sleep. Hehehe but thanks for your post.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

This is not good for all. We should sleep early and get up early for healthy and wealthy life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am an addiction of reading books....not just anyhow books but informative and educational books are worthwhile. It keeps me active and quick to grasp.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Reading good and precious books included in our educational Habbit. Thanks for always your magical words for me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's my pleasure winks 😉

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very good points. You are right about keeping a schedule. It gives us good habits. Of course there are times out of our control that may knock us off course. If you have been on a good schedule for awhile though you do go back to it. :) I am going through this now and getting back on track with things.

Take care and keep on schedule, hehe

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I love reading books and that is what I always told to my children that they have to read more and more to learn than wasting their time on unproductive activities.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Bookish knowledge is precious and comprehensive, we should educate our kiddos about it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True, that is why if they ask something, I teach them how to use those books at home and also take more time to read to be practice.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Interesting and good points. Short notes culture has been destroying the habit of reading books. Another thing , I have also seen people wasting their time on useless activities using mobile.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Exactly, these all activities are waste of time. We should change our all habits that are included in killing of time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The reading I have been doing are from what I read here :D I agree that we should keep reading and learning and relearning.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Repeating Information is as essential as your eating habits for healthy memory.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love reading books and also enjoy accepting challenges since that is what brings the creativity in me which I am always happy of the result. There is need to sharpen our minds with relevant habits like reading books, retaining information etc.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Reading and repeating Information are things that can polish us and groom our knowledge.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm a book reader, means daily i read books and i also play games but unfortunately i can't sleep properly. I only sleep for 2 hour's or 3 hour's out of 24 hour's 😐

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Reading books are essential for habitual activities. Thanks for mentioning your precious advice.

$ 0.00
2 years ago