30 Days Writing Challenge,"Five Ways to Win My Heart"

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2 years ago

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"Sometimes one creates a dynamic impression by saying something, and sometimes one creates as significant an impression by remaining silent."

...Dalai Lama

Hello to all Beautiful Read Dot Cash Community! How are you? Today I am too deep in love so decided to write an article that will help you in Winning my heart. My mom says,"BlueFlipper there must present someone who truly love you but didn't want to describe his feelings in words." If you like me then won my heart because I shall reveal the secret about my likeness in this article. It is too hard to win my heart but it is not impossible you can make one try at least πŸ˜‚. There are following ways or qualities you must have to win my heart. You shall be...

1) Polite but not Shy:

You people know if a person who is shy can't describe his or her feelings to anyone. So you should be brave but you can't cross the boundaries of politeness. This character was gifted by my father to me. Being polite you can express your feelings to me. I didn't mind even my fellow says to me for friendship. I am ready but again you need to remain polite otherwise I have long block list in virtual world. Sorry I am strict but I like person who wants to come in my life should know all facts about my nature.

2) Optimistic but Not Overconfident:

You know there are 90% talented people who wasted their talent successfully due to arrogance and Overconfident. Being confident is not bad but when you are overconfident then you make many mistakes in this disgrace. Moreover, God also like to person who is humble. It had been seen people after winning my heart always made my jokes because they are overconfident. I also welcome them into my Blocklist because there is no space for overconfident people.

3) Aggressive but not non-romantic:

After reading heading you might think, why I like Aggressive people? It is simple aggressive and possessive people can take care of me more than a soft hearted man who has crush on every second girl. Moreover you know every girl needed an aggressive man for what purpose also πŸ˜‚. I don't like non-romantic couples because without romance your relationship can't be perfect. Anyway I don't like to spend boring life with anyone. Even my all friends are romantic and I am proud to be one of them πŸ˜‚.

4) Kind but not Cheap:

We should be kind and should possessive sympathy but it didn't mean you started to gaze every girl on the basis of sympathy. Sorry I am too possessive also but I literally don't like my person will give a single second to another girl till I am alive in this world. In addition, I love to help humanity. Kind person is more near to Allah Almighty. Being Kind make you a real human fellow. But sorry I in case of my relationship have following formula.

Love Formula...> 2-1==========0

5) Must Be Genuine Read Cash User but not Scammer:

It is last thing I shall check in the person who want to win my heart. If he has all above four characteristics but lacking in this one then I shall reject him because he can't succeed in wining my heart. I love to this platform and want my real partner from Read Dot Cash and BCH community. You can take these words as a fun but it is reality. I have seen people gave divorce and break heart of their partners because she is TikToker, Crypto fan, Model and content writer. I don't want any limitations about my favorite crypto BCH implemented by my partner. Moreover if he is also content writer then we have more chances of content improvement and can excel on this platform. I have seen many couples from this platform, I am fortunately engaged to a person who was already here.

Final Thoughts:

People don't like to describe about themselves. I am the person who is open book for all and everyone can read either from first book or from last book choice is totally yours. These are the most desired facts I want to be in a person who want to make space in my heart. Might be many of you disagree to these features because we human from different geographic regions have different taste and choice. But I don't want to make any compromise about a person who will hold me for whole life will lack any of feature I have mentioned.

So after reading my article, If you are willing to win my heart? Then must try have above qualities πŸ˜‚.

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<====BlueFlipper Original Content! All copyrights are reserved in read.cash Laws so you can share it only========>

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2 years ago


I'm an introvert, so I'm far from winning your heart. πŸ˜‚

$ 0.01
2 years ago

At least you have made a try that is enough for me sister. Thanks for coming and dropping some words for me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Woohoo it's easy for me to reach to your heart ❀️ it's really matter to be real, kind, romantic and caring.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Exactly I am open book my sister. Anyone can win my heart by just some words of kindness and good deeds for humanity.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Omg am getting failed in winning your heart, because in real world am little bit shy girl πŸ˜ƒπŸ™ˆ

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Sister I am happy still you made a good try for it. Better luck for next time with more better luck.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I would like to be someone who's not over-confident. Haha woah, you got something on aggressive huh

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Doctor is too aggressive sometimes He don't like I talk to anyone frankly πŸ˜†.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahahaha. πŸ€ͺ

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Seems someone is ready to settle downπŸ˜‚, definitely they will be a man out there who possess all this features you listed but what if the aggressive man, you really want beats up his lover ? Will you still wants to stay with such a person😁😁

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I just want many love bites from him πŸ˜‚. Yeah If above all qualities are possessed by a man, then why not?.

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago