The most important thing our appearance depends on

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2 years ago

Friends, today I will prove to you why you absolutely should not spend hours in a gym, or go to cosmetologists and plastic surgeons, drink expensive vitamins and supplements, that is, try to improve your appearance by working on muscles, skin, blood, etc.

Conversely, I will also prove that only our nerves and working on them can give you everything that you dream and want. And only good innervation of your body makes sense for achieving health and beauty.

So let's recall from our memory the people whom we met in life, who had a nerve that caught cold or was damaged. I think that everyone has seen such a phenomenon in their life. If not, then look at the example of Stanislav Lindover.

We see an injury to the radial nerve of his left hand. The function for which the radial nerve is responsible has disappeared. Namely: lifting the wrist up and extending the fingers.

But in addition to limited functions of the hand, we also see limited development of the muscle through which this nerve passes. That is, no matter how much he continues to work out, the muscle does not grow.

Although everything is in place: blood vessels, skin, muscles, ligaments, joints, everything is in place and none of this is damaged. But, only damage to the nerve, only one radial nerve - and that's it, the hand does not work, the muscles do not grow.

This proves to us that nerves are the most important thing in our body. It is on them that all our motor activity, muscle growth, beauty, health and everything else rests!

Therefore, it is completely pointless to think that I will pump up muscles and be super handsome! Or it's pointless to think that I'll go to a beautician and be a beauty! Or I'll drink vitamins or medicines and be healthy! No, you won't. Or you will, but only a couple of percent of your real abilities!

You will be 100 percent truly beautiful and healthy if your nerves are in good shape and conduct impulses well from the nerves to the brain and back.

And if you constantly ignore the development of nerves, innervation and be in a nervous state, then your nerves will be distorted, incorrectly conduct impulses and information through your organs and body. And then your whole body will gravitate for that position, like the hand of Stanislav Lindover.

That is, your whole body will tend to become flabby, stomach bulging, chin hanging, legs not walking, eyes blind, etc.

If your nervous system loses its tone, then not a single muscle will grow in you, no matter how much you want it. And we see this in the example of Stanislav. And if you work on muscles, paying attention to the nerves, then your muscles will grow many times more beautiful and better.

Now, knowing such unique information and its evidence, you have a really working and free method in your hands, with which you can work wonders with your appearance! So go ahead! And I will help you with my knowledge!

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2 years ago
