When you go to the market or the
nearest talipapa in your community, you
find different kinds of vegetables being
sold, most of them fresh and newly
harvested. So there is really no excuse
not to eat them because we have an
abundant supply of vegetables and other
valuable root crops available throughout
the year. But have you ever wondered
how these vegetables are produced by
Filipino farmers?
The Philippines is naturally blessed
with fertile soil. The agriculture sector
plays an essential role in keeping our
economy stable. The hardworking
farmers till the lands to produte rice,
Filipinos' staple food and one of the
prime products being exported to other
countries. Because of the quality of our
soil, farmers can still plant vegetables.
Most of the fresh produce in the
market come from the provinces.
Vegetables are cheaper when you buy
them straight from where they are
harvested. When there is typhoon and
it brings considerable damages to
agricultural lands, the prices of
vegetables go up. But we need not always buy vegetables in the market. We could plant
them in the backyard or in vacant lots.
In tact, vegetable gardening can be done
by everybody who is capable of
planting, including students, teachers, professionals or whoever they are.
Whether you are gifted with the
proverbial "green thumb" or not, you
can grow your own garden vegetable
today. Aside from growing vegetables
on your own, this practice lets you
Spend some quality time.outdoors.
There's a lot of new things to learn in
experiencing how to plant vegetables.
Vegetables are indeed very important for us. Farmers work hard for growing them, still they are less paid. But who owns land of their can have some benefit.