Jingle Bell.

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1 year ago
Topics: Today, My Story, Dream, Journey, Christmas, ...

I had a long night today. It was longer than I could ever imagine. It was longer than a June solstice. My sleep was very peaceful and tranquil. As tranquil as the world itself. I was draped in my cozy razai. One thing about me is that I can never sleep without covering myself. If I don't, I won't feel sleepy but the moment that I get draped in my duvet, sleep comes so easily. I'm gonna sleep like a baby, wake up like a new person entirely and become very strong for the day because of my level of cortisol. When I'm alone, I don't like to sleep in the dark. If I try it, I will be so scared. I am suffering from nyctophobia. If I sleep beside someone, I prefer it when the light is off. It helps me to sleep very fast. Last night, I slept beside my sister. We both slept in the dark.

During my calm sleep, I went on a journey. How many us of have gone on a journey during our sleep? I've done that countless times. On my journey, I was walking an enchanting paved surface. The road tends to be smoother than Japan's thin silicon crystal. I think I can compare it to Ha Long Bay. This is for you to know how beautiful it was. Have you ever walked through a strangely beautiful place? How did you feel? In my case, I was lost. My emotions were mixed. At first, I felt awe and joy. Again, I was nervous. I began to ask myself why I deserve to be in such a beautiful place. It was too beautiful for me. My doubt began to linger. Is this the right place for me to enter? I asked myself the question because I was confused and dumbfounded. Even though my doubt was lingering, I would not want to leave that beautiful place. I kept on moving forward.

I realized that my cloth was very much heavier than my body. I was about to roll it up when I saw the costume. What!!! I was dressed in a sophisticated red and green dress. The dress was clean-cut! The fit was so perfect on me. I was dumbfounded again. Who wore this on me? I checked the shoe I wore. It was so shiny and more beautiful than Cinderella's. I knew that if Cinderella was there, she might have stolen my shoe. I touched my hair. It was curly hair and it looked so gorgeous. Thanks to the anonymous stylist. Seeing my costume, I then realized that I deserved to be in that beautiful place. I was strutting! I didn't care about anything again. I walked happily. At some point, I stopped. I heard a very loud drum coming from somewhere that I don't know. I paused to listen attentively to know where the sound was coming from.

I got that and tried to move closer. I saw a lot of people. I saw the blacks, whites, albinos, and many more. They were singing and danced happily. I wondered what event they were having. When they saw me from afar, they ushered me to the event venue, and I met a lot of people that I knew. So interesting! Guess what they were singing! They were singing Jingle Bells. They stopped the song and played another one. A beautiful lady came to me to tell me that all she wanted for Christmas is me. When I looked at her very well, I realized that was Mariah Carey. Then I got the point. I was dressed in a red and white dress which symbolizes Christmas. While I was dancing with those people, my phone alarm rang and I woke up😊.

The alarm was a sign that we are in a new month and Christmas is coming soon. A happy new month to you all and I wish you a merry Christmas in advance🥰.

Love You All❤.

Cozy Razai - Duvet.

June Solstice - The longest day in the world.

Nyctophobia - Extreme fear of the dark.

Ha, Long Bay - The most beautiful place in the world.

Strutting - Walking boldly.

Japan's thin silicon crystal - The smoothest thing in the world.

Clean-cut - Having a neat appearance.

$ 0.09
$ 0.05 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.02 from @Idksamad7869
$ 0.02 from @GarrethGrey07
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Avatar for Bisolammy
1 year ago
Topics: Today, My Story, Dream, Journey, Christmas, ...


Awe what a sweet dream to read. Anyway happy new month my friend, Christmas is indeed fastly approaching.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I pray we enjoy the Christmas

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Happy New Month my friend! 🥰 It's a sigh that Christmas is nearer already friend. So much excited for the holiday friend.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Happy new month to all of us🥰🥰

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thanks a lot my friend. Happy new month.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Happy new month to you too I hope you enjoy the new month

$ 0.00
1 year ago

happy birthday

$ 0.00
1 year ago