Be A Lion

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2 years ago

Hey family. How're we doing today? Was thinking of what to write and I decided to write about moving in a slow and steady manner. Just keep going. Keep doing it. It may not seem to be easy at the beginning but trust me, you'll definitely be fine💯.

Let me start from here, if you've watched various videos of a lion hunting, you'd realize something. Whenever a lion wants to catch a prey, she's always focused. Let's take for example, a lion wants to kill a dog very close to her. Fortunately, another dog passed her front. If you were the one, what will you do? Will you leave the dog you were pursuing before for the one that passed your front? A lion wouldn't do that. The lion will continue to pursue the first dog till he get it. I don't know if you understand me. What I'm saying here is that, the lion might have calculated how many minutes it will take for him to get the first dog. But if he leaves it to pursue the second dog, he many end up not having any. It's true that opportunity comes but once, but some distractions come like opportunity. If the lion pursues the second dog and catches it, the dog becomes and opportunity. If he doesn't catch it, the dog becomes a distraction because the lion will regret why he stopped to focus on the first dog. Is it strange? Try it😁😁.

Let me give you another instance. Let's take you for an example. Imagine you've been learning everything about NFTs for years and you're beginning to make it from there. Then you realized that plenty people are making money from Defi. So you switched. Imagine you've been learning about NFTs for over three years but since you switched to Defi, let's assume it may take you over two years to know very much about it. What have you just done? You've distracted yourself by leaving what you're doing for something else. You've lost focus. Why can't you just continue your Defi and make it big from there? Do not join something you do not know about simply because people are making it big from it. Do your things slow and steady. You're definitely going to get there. Because, if you leave NFTs for Defi, it will look like you wasted your time learning NFTs since because you've not made anything from it.

If dancing is what you can do, find the best or suitable way to do it. You can also find new techniques to your dancing skills so that you'll be different from others. Do not say because you didn't get famous in the first two years, you'd stop. No!!!! There are lot of leaders out there who tried something multiple times before they got to the position that they want. Take a look at Ben Carson. He was one of the fullest students in the class but today, he's one of the best surgeons in the world. That's the work of what? It's the work of slow and steady. It's the work of hustle and grind.

I guess some of us are familiar with 7up drink. It was tried six times before they got it the seventh time. Also coca cola sold twenty four bottles of coke the first year they began to produce. Look at coke now. It's rare for you to see someone that has never drank coke in his entire life. They're where they are today because they kept on hustling. They didn't stop because they sold only twenty four bottles in the first year of production. In sure you know a lot of celebrities that started as nobody but today they're great in life.

Can you be like a lion?

Can you be focused as a lion?

Can you just keep going like a lion?

Can you be a lion yourself?

If yes, you can make it in life. Trust me, you're definitely going to make it. Just hustle and grind 💯.

In a nutshell, all I'm trying to say is that, whatever you know how to do best, keep doing it. Do not stop! One day, the hustle is definitely going to pay. You just have to wait for the right time and I'm sure everything will be fine😊.

Look here👇👇


$ 0.31
$ 0.25 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @Tomi-Ajax
$ 0.03 from @HerBAE
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Avatar for Bisolammy
2 years ago


Distractions are actually always in disguise, such that it's completely difficult to distinguish between it and real opportunities, but we've got to remain focused and BE A LION. Advice taken.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Be a lion and don't get distracted from your target coz everything will actually go as planned...

$ 0.00
2 years ago