All That Glitters Is Not Gold!!!
I'm a social media freak and I've seen so many things online. Some people promote their business, some promote their blogs while some people promote their relationships. Relationship? Oh yes, relationship. There are many online relationships that you'll see and it will make you feel like you're finished. At times, you'd begin to ask yourself if you're not worthy to be loved or no one loves you. Infact, you may begin to look at the mirror to check if you're not looking good or even check if you're smelly. You begin to ask yourself why you don't have a partner or why you don't have a perfect relationship.
For instance, you'll see some people post up their pictures and their partners pictures. Kisses here and there, lovely videos, video of the man gifting his girlfriend, proposal videos and so on. We all know that love is a beautiful thing but we should still have it in mind that there's an ugly face behind the mask. I'm not trying to sabotage relationships but trust me, I've seen relationships and I can tell what happens there.
There are some relationships that the boyfriend beats the girlfriend everyday. Also, I have a question. Do you think it's nice for a lady to live in a guy's house before marriage? I would never do that!! It's not ideal. It makes you look cheap. It's just going to be like you're dashing yourself out to the guy. Back to what I was saying, the boyfriend might have beaten the girlfriend earlier in the morning and you'll see them in the evening posting each other's pictures and videos. Kissing each other and you'll pray for their kind of relationship 😂. You think you know what you're praying for but you don't.
There are also some relationships in which the lady has aborted more than seven pregnancies and she's still in that relationship. Why? But most people outside wouldn't know what she's going through and they will still pray to be in her kind of relationship. There are many relationships out there which is not even healthy to the partners but we don't know and we'll be jealous of them not knowing what they are going through. No relationship is perfect and that's why it's advisable to know everything about a relationship before you begin to pray for it. Trust me, you can't know the relationship better than the people in it because there are things that they may not like to share and you won't know. Let me tell you this, your best friend is hiding something about his or her relationship from you. Relationship has it's mess and they wouldn't like to share😊. It's happening to everyone but we'll be fine😊.
What's my point? My point is that, not all that glitters is gold. Do not pray for what you don't know. Don't be jealous of people's relationship. You may reason why they love themselves deeply and you'll later realize that they are HIV/AIDS patient and they shouldn't cheat on each other. Don't be sad about people's relationships. There's an ugly face behind the mask. You only know your relationship!!!!
I hope I'm clear😊
Have a wonderful day ❤️❤️❤️
Smart and intelligent people know that there are a lot of fake lives on the internet and you will be very foolish to believe things easily on the internet. The truth is that most people post things online just for clout and cheap popularity. Someone might be very unhappy in a relationship but will still come online to post loved up pictures with their lover and you will be there shouting couple's goal and wishing to have something like that, not knowing what the person is passing through