Is this year fruitful to you? or is this year completely devastated to you? What are challenges you have encountered since this year? How does pandemic affects you?
Well, don't be upset honey. I've got something to share. Heads up and bear with me.
Lots of shit has gone through my life before the global pandemic up until today that we're facing it. But did you know that this year is my favorite? Let's find out why. Carry on, sweetie!
Here are my top 10 challenges I have encountered this year:
1. The change in my social behavior.
2. What other people might think about me.
3. Having a negative mindset.
4. Being unproductive because I overthink and I never exercise my brain and I
also lost interest in almost everything.
5. Supposedly to get a new job to finance myself and able to support my brother.
6. Overcoming a fear.
7. Being surrounded with toxic people.
8. The new mode of learning.
9. Worrying every single day about my future and;
10. Being broken hearted hehehe.
I never thought that my 2020 will become so messy. I felt that I’m a loser and will never be able to surpass these challenges that I had encountered during this year. This pandemic really hit me hard. It made me realize with lots of things. My top three ultimate challenges that makes me stressed and depressed are having a negative mindset, the new mode of learning and overcoming a fear. I used to compare myself with people who has almost everything they want, who are able to provide everything they need and those who have the gut to face their fears. I was a negative thinker, lots of "what if’s" in my mind and afraid to face the reality. I call myself a pessimist.
This pandemic leaves me depressed but I believe that there is always a reason and purpose of why I am feeling and acting this way. This year made me realize so many things. Not just to see the bad side but to also look for its positive side and the opportunity that are waiting.
Also remember that you don't need to compete. You are growing so beautifully but one day you stumbled this person, who is also passionate about everything you do yet this person is doing things way better.
Love, you don't need to compete. You don't have to struggle in a battle that doesn't exist. Let it go. Stop looking at others. Discontentment is something that unwelcome in the temple of the Lord. In this case, that temple is you.
The next time you pose and compare, try to measure it from the point where you started and rather than feeling sorry for yourself, be proud. Be confident.
What I did to make myself better and overcome this mindset is to invite GOD in my life. I invite God to be the center of my life, to lead me back to my pattern of objectives he originally made. In the midst of confusion, I seek God. Call me corny (like what toxic people usually call me because of loving God so much) but honestly this is what I feel and I’m trying to put it in words today. God will enlighten you and take all your worries away. Listening to TED TALKS and other motivational speech can help you to find that drive again of your life. Do things that makes you and your soul happy. As long as you know that you are not doing wrong, then go for it. It will help you grow and live in peace. Remember that peace of mind is more important than proving a point.
You can find the peace in him!
Cheer up honey!
You are brave, you face those challenges and thats important. I'm still facing some of the challenge that you mention above, I'm still fighting, I hope one day I cam face it all with high spirit.