Weird Scar on my body

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Avatar for BCH.Lover
2 years ago

21 May, Saturday,2022.

Hi, Hello, Assalam o Alaikum. Good evening , I hope you will be doing fine.Today is weekend,the end of the week which we all pretty much like and wait to enjoy. Although i have been so much disheartened by not getting what i deserved from this platform but I'm still writing another article with the little hope that this time i might get some tips from all my fellas and sponsors here. My elder brother urged me to write this article because I'm totally unemployed and this is my only way of earning for now. My head is still aching since i woke up in the morning because the guilt of being useless is inexpressible. You probably would have heard other people stories concerning to their Life miseries here i will tell my distressing story .

Many years ago when i was a kid of almost 5 years i got this weird scar on my left arm and chest. My mother didn't take it in a negative way as it was not a congenital scar or something she rather found it rare and didn't do my treatment. In the start it was not any noticeable scar it was just in the form of random multiple spots all over my arm and chest. As the years went by it started to get thicker and thicker.

When i turned 10 these scars were molded in a particular pattern that they gave the impression of name Ali in Urdu. So i was also also surprised that yeah I might would be a rare human because this scar is not something usual to see anywhere. It felt way rough to touch on it but if i pressed it harshly then it was hurtful. So i always avoided to let any harm done to that spot.

Sponsors of BCH.Lover

I am expecting someone generous to sponsor me here, I have written two articles in recent few days but i haven't received any tip from the users as well as from the rusty(platform's robot). A person when he don't get anything useful in return of his hardworking he loses hope and his heart don't wants to do that work again, so it is requested to all the seniors writer's to be a source of motivation for newbies. Thank you in advance. Be blessed.

I found this embarrassing to take off my shirt in front of others because if my cousin would see that and they would question me. So i always lived with this fear of not showing myself to anyone.when it started irritating me more i asked my parents to take me to the doctor. Well, we went and he said it's nothing serious just the deficiency of calcium. He gave us medicines and said I'll be alright after taking these medicines. But those medicine did nothing good to me. The scar was still there.

Later on, when i came to know that you can't get a governmental job like army or police if you have any scar or serious wound on any part of your body.i was concerned about this so much because now it was the matter of my future. So this time my father took me to a specialist. On our way to specialist i really enjoyed the journey because i was going to that city for the first time in my life

When we arrived there we came to know that the Doctor is on leave today. I felt bad and thought we should have taken an appointment first before coming to this place. Because we had no other choice we took advice from one of the counters sitting there he gave us address of another specialist. His clinic was 2 kilometres away from there. So we rid on rikshaw and reached there.

We entered in his clinic and waited for 1 hour till we got our appointment. We discussed about my disease and i told my specialist everything about the scar how it appeared and how it turned in its present form. He gave me solace with his treatment that it will vanish if i take his prescribed medicines and don't miss my next treatments after this one. We greeted him, bought the prescribed medicines from medical store and left towards our home.

I kept using those medicines and i felt little recovery . Especially that cream which i used did help me a lot. But once those medicines finished I didn't go back for my next appointments. Because we had some financial issues and secondly this issue was relented by my own laziness which i regret now because now it has become too severe & serious. Therefore now I'm thinking again to have a proper treatment this time without leaving in the halfway.

Message to Sponsors

I don't really know what is the use of this heading Message to Sponsors but i'm still pinning it here because I have seen this sponsor box under other users articles where i saw many people were added there and they received tips from those readers.


It maybe unnoticeable but having this kind of affliction is a big flaw which hinders you to reach your life goals. I wish no one else gets inflicted from this kind of flaw.


This whole article is my own intellectual property. Every word is based on my own life experiences.

  • Copyright protected

  • plagiarism free


  • Clinic

  • Treatment

  • Journey

  • Hurtful

  • Embarrassing

  • Hard work

  • Illness

Thank you for reading ♥️

$ 0.13
$ 0.04 from @raashid
$ 0.03 from @akagaminoDneloy
$ 0.02 from @Mazekin
+ 2
Avatar for BCH.Lover
2 years ago


Give much efforts and write through your hearts.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I too, got a scar but don't let it bother you.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Me too I have scars but a type of scars from a surgery a keloid, it is located in my right leg, when I was kid I am pierced by a steel bar.

$ 0.01
2 years ago