Healthy drink telang flower tea (clitoria ternatea) basil with musk orange (calamansi)
The benefits of one interest are no longer in doubt. The color of the flowers is beautiful, but the properties in this flower are no less great. Flowers or more suitable to be referred to as tea because these flowers can be consumed. Can be boiled or brewed like making tea.
The basic efficacy of the brewed telang flower, also known as Blue Tea, is a caffeine-free herbal concoction, made by boiling the dried or fresh flowers of a plant called the scientific language Clitoria ternatea. The best thing about this drink is that it is completely caffeine-free, and packed with antioxidants.
Currently, people are liking to plant this plant because it is believed to be a medicinal plant. At school I teach also to plant this plant. Besides being useful and this plant is also easy to grow. It has small, dense leaves and vines.
A brief introduction to the origin of the telang tea flower
Called butterfly flower
Telang flower ( in Indonesian) or in English is called Butterfly pea, because its shape that resembles a butterfly has the Latin or scientific name Clitoria ternatea. This flower is believed to have originated from central South America which spread to the tropics since the 19th century, especially to Southeast Asia including Indonesia.
Made as food coloring
This telang flower is used by the community as a natural colorant for food and drinks. In Malaysia, the flower extract is used to color nasi kerabu, a type of blue rice uduk and also sticky rice which is commonly called pulut press or pulut tai. While in Thailand it is used as a drink coloring under the name Nam Dok Anchan, usually served with lemon juice.
While in India around the Kerala area, and in the Philippines, this telang flower is consumed as a vegetable. The use of telang flowers as food and beverage coloring is due to the content of anthocyanin compounds of the type of delphinidin glycosides found in blue telang flowers. Anthocyanins are natural dyes that act as antioxidants found in plants.
Variety of tea flower tea drink
Yesterday, at school one of my fellow teachers brought a tea flower drink that he made himself from home. Telang basil seed tea drink with kasturi orange or in scientific language calamansi orange. And we all drank it and it tasted really fresh. And this drink is healthy and suitable for deep heat because of the basil seeds in it.
The benefits and harms of the flower of the telang tea
Because in general we already know the benefits of this flower. There is nothing wrong with knowing the benefits if consumed properly and also the disadvantages of this butterfly pea if consumed in excess. Benefits of telang flower :
Lowers blood sugar
Prevent cancer
Remove phlegm in chronic bronchitis
Relieves migraines
Treat boils
Prevent premature aging
Maintain the health of the digestive tract.
And Telang flower tea can be drunk three times a day in a reasonable amount. You should drink pea flower tea one hour before eating or one hour after eating.
Side effects of pea flower if consumed in excess
The danger of butterfly pea flowers or the first side effect to watch out for is causing anti-nutrition.
The content of oxalic acid in the telang flower is quite high, so that this substance can bind other nutrients in the body.
When it is bound, the body cannot use it and it is feared that we will experience malnutrition
Kidney Stones
Still reported by IDNTimes, the danger of the next pea flower is causing kidney stones. This may occur if the consumption of pea flower is done excessively.
The high content of oxalic acid in the telang flower will bind to other compounds that make these compounds solid and accumulate in the kidneys.
Diarrhea and Nausea
Everything is not good if consumed in excess.
Including the butterfly flower…
The effect of high levels of consuming pea flower, can cause diarrhea and nausea.
For pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding, it is better to avoid consuming pea flowers, unless they have received advice and consultation from an expert doctor.
Harmful When Dropped in the Eyes
Quoted by the page, the next danger of the pea flower is related to eye health.
Telang flower is often used as an eye compress by the wider community.
However, if the telang flower bath turns out to be not sterile, then it is used as a compress or even eye drops, it is feared that it will cause a potential fungal infection in the eye.
Di bilang teh karena prosesnya bisa di rendam seperti rendam teh. Dan warnanya blue alami gitu dan bisa juga di jadikan pewarna makanan