Take it one step at a time.

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2 years ago
Image source: unsplash.com

"It's the faith that makes you stronger,the only way to get there is to take it one step at a time"- Jordin spark.

We often hear that the journey of a thousand miles begin with a step,you don't just start one day and get there that same day,it's not possible,it takes time, effort, discipline,courage to get there. First thing first,you need courage to take the first step,you don't start building from the roof,you start building from the foundation,when the foundation is intact then you can now talk about taking it to lintel and then from there you will take it to the roof, everything has principle. Life is guided by principles, principle we must follow so we don't fall back to the ground. Sadly alot has fallen back because they started from the roof,they didn't go through the preparation process, they just started and it ended just the way they started.

It's also like taking a step to reach the top of a mountain,we can't just fly to the top,we have to struggle and strategize on how to get to the top of the mountain,if we make any mistake of rushing to the top and not take it step by step,we will find ourselves crashing back on the floor.

Many want to get to the same top some people have been working towards for years,you want to achieve what someone else achieved in 10years in just one month,the reason why there are bad influences out there, success requires taking it bit by bit,not rushing it, eventually it will come to you automatically,for example my boss has been in her business for close to 20years, acquiring everything she has today step after step and now she's now a big woman,let now say I want to start mine too and now aiming that position my boss is in less than three months,you see am just trying to fly and I might find myself hitting the floor so hard that I might not stand again.

Copying is very bad,why are you focusing on someone else achievement thereby rushing yourself,you have to focus on you,after taking that first step,you have to continue taking that step, don't stop, continue,you might not be seeing result now but trust me you will surely see result soon,you will get there without knowing,the journey ahead of you requires strength, knowledge, determination, preparation, while taking those steps,keep preparing yourself for more,as you move ahead it might become tougher,so it requires your strength and determined mind not to quit.

If you starting a business learn alot about the business,if it's marriage first know who this person is, don't just conclude,don't just jump into the marriage,take it easy,bit by bit. Apply that principle in every facet of life and you will see yourself moving forward. Don't worry you might not see the ending of the staircase but when you take a step forward and take another step,you will surely see the ending and you will surely get there when you continue taking that step one at a time.

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2 years ago


It takes steps to be at the top. You can't jump to the third step when you haven't achieved the first and second step. We need to take things slowly and gradually we will get there. It's not a matter of comparing yourself with others, but your persistence and consistency would take you there.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes... Comparing yourself to others won't do you any good at all, it makes some people want to fly instead of walking.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's just like many of us newbies here on read.cash seeing the earnings of year-old bloggers and feeling "why not me" with no regard for all those months of hard work, subscribers, quality content, referrals, and overall engagements. Life must be lived one step at a time.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I love your point, alot of them have been here for over year so they deserve to enjoy the benefits, while some people that are new want to be earning the same way they are earning, it's not right, it has to be step by step, life is in stages

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sure! One thing we must never do is trying to get ahead of ourselves. Success is gradual process and we must take it gently . Just one step after another.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Sure, but alot of people don't understand that, they want it quickly and end up failing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago