30 Days Writing Challenge: A Lesson

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2 years ago

When we were younger, we learn lessons from school and our parents only. As time goes by and as we get older, we learn it along the way. As we journey to the life that we desire, life taught a lot of lessons that we bear in mind and use to guide our paths. Before that, we get to experience things first. We met people and learn from them. We made mistakes and analyze where we had gone wrong, then learn a lesson from them so that we can be careful next time.

Among those life lessons that I have encountered, the lesson that I still carry in me until now is this verse from the Bible. I have been practicing this ever since I changed my life when my child came to me but I forgot which verse of the Bible that is. I just got reminded when I worship last Sunday.

Image source: My Bible

Maybe you are already tired of hearing my life stories but before I get back to God and onto the positive side, I was a rebel of my own faith first. My life is messed up and so as my thoughts. I can't do any right thing, all were just mistakes. Those things pushed me more not to believe in anyone and even in myself.

I believe my child is an angel sent by God to me. When she came, I literally changed overnight for her. I changed how think and I can think then positively. I slowly get back to my faith and embrace it again. Since then, I tightened my faith so that it couldn't be shaken again. I'm maybe not that religious and active in the church but I became more faithful.

I learned to thank God and trust my life to His guidance. I acknowledged Him as the Heavenly Father, our Savior, and our Great Provider. Then I thought that as long as I have trust and faith in God, surely He wouldn't forsake me. Ever since then, it's like everything in my life has been aligned.

I can feel His presence in my life more than before. I can see the guidance and the path which I have to take so I could avoid mistakes. I survived because of the Lord. Now, I'm living my dreams and seeing them come to me one by one, little by little.

Last time, I was confused about the path that I will take since I felt hopeless about getting enrolled in College. I placed myself in between Training in Caregiving, then going abroad or waiting for the entrance exam, and pursuing my College. I prayed for knowledge, guidance, and discernment. Then, there I saw things were answered for me.

I paid for the expenses at home first and I haven't worked well last month since there is no decent signal at home. I got short on money to pay for the tuition in the Training for Caregiving. I already have applied for enrollment there in the training but things happened unexpectedly that made me let go of that idea.

Then, days later, I took the entrance exam. I assumed that I passed since I have a College interview next Thursday. College is my dream and my Mama's dream. Because of God's guidance, I'm slowly getting there.

Here is Day 24!

A few days to go and I'll be done. It happens faster if I'm just consistent but things got me delayed sometimes. Yet, I'm really nervous about the interview. This is my last chance this year. If I can't ace it, then I can only try again next year.

By the way, thanks for reading!

  • Lead Images were edited from Canva

  • Images are mine unless specified

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2 years ago


Your child was your gateway to be back to the guidance of God

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My angel in disguise. 🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Life will be more meaningful if we have God in our life. It may be full of challenges somehow but the lessons we can get from challenges makes us more wise and strong.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I read somewhere that true faith in God is tested when our dreams are "delayed". It is the time when we are having bad thoughts about our faith. I congratulate you at this early stage for what you have achieved in your career so far.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

4 years din natengga bago makapag college. Keribels pa rin.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sister through our life, we learned so many lessons in our life. Financial burden also gave us big lesson and we have to crawl for it. I agreed to your thinking sister.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, thanks. Good morning, by the way.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Goodluck to the path and career that you wanna take. 🤎

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thankies. 🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago