30 Day Writing Challenge: A Letter To Someone, Anyone

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2 years ago

I guess I got so tired from walking from Church to home yesterday that I overslept again. I don't want my body clock to get used to this sleeping pattern or I'll struggle to wake up early next time if I'm working regularly. I'll try to get out of this as much as I can.

Today's challenge, it's a letter to someone. I have been thinking for a while about whom I'll address the letter. I felt the monsters in my stomach twitching already. Before they growl in there, I cooked my rice and wait for 10 minutes for it to be done. I want to think but I'm drained, so I just wait for my rice. Then, eat when it's cooked. I already a viand outside, since I can't cook here.

Now that I'm full, I guess I can think properly now. I want to write this letter to my Mama. I'm not that expressive verbally in saying my emotions but I always show it through actions. I just want to share what I wanted to tell her since then that I can't tell in front of her.

Hi, Mama!

Of all the hardworking people I know, you're the number one. Wake up at 4 am just to prepare coffee and breakfast for us, then clean the house and feed the chickens early in the morning. After that, you will work on the farm, so that you can earn money to support our needs. Working in the fields all day, under the heat of the sun, and getting soaked in the rain, just so you can provide for us because our Papa is useless. All he knows is to drink and smoke, when he works, it is just for his own.

It is hard, a struggle, and surely tiresome but you never give up on us. I can't even do what you are doing. I can't even wake up that early or exposed myself to the heat. I'm amazed and at the same time, I pity you. All those years, you did it every day. Everybody calls you a martyr, including me, but it hurts me that you are branded as one. I may not understand fully the purpose of being a complete family even if it's chaos every day, but I admire you for pursuing your dreams for us.

You risked your health and you never care for it just to provide for us. It hurts seeing you with a body so thin, blurry vision, incomplete teeth, and always coughing. Maybe my siblings are blind, but not me. I see all your hardships throughout the years.

Now that I am capable of earning money, I wouldn't stop working hard to provide for you and my baby. Let the table turn now and enjoy the rest that you desire. Just hold on a little more, and watch me give you the life that you deserve. I can only give it to you little by little now, but hold on to me and we can live the peaceful and bountiful that you dreamed for us.

You are getting old, that's for sure. You are even in your 60s now. I'm just praying that God will give you more years to live. For that, I can still show you how I reached the life that you are dreaming of for me and I'll let enjoy all the leisures if I can. Bear in your mind, that even though I'm the rebel and most mischievous child that you have, I'm the one who loves you the most.



Here is Day 23!

I'm literally crying while writing this. Reminiscing on all the hardships that my mother had gone through since we were kids hurts me a lot every time I remember them. I can only pray and hope that my father could change so that my mother's stress could lessen but it just remains in my hopes if he doesn't want to. I'm never giving up, though. I'll still pray for them and let them see a massive change in me, so that I can inspire my siblings to chase their dreams and work hard, too.

Thanks for reading!

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  • Images are mine unless specified

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2 years ago


I hope for the goodness of your family also and the hardships of your mother has made you stronger as time goes by which is nakakainspire in many ways.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sulit lahat ng pagod ko kapag nakikitavko siyang masaya at hindi na stress.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

pati ako naiyak jusmiyo...napaka selfless nang mama mo mamash

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Truee, mamsh. Di ko alam panu niya natitiis yun lahat. Pag nanay ka talaga, balewala lahat ng pagod basta para sa mga anak.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Our parents are our rock. I cannot thank enough my parents for providing me with everything I need. Same as you, I want to give them the world in return. God bless, sis!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I've got a long way to go before I could do that, but I hope they'll hold on a little longer.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sister these words are much deserved by our parents especially our mom who grew us like her manner. She grew old but raised us young. I appreciate your this article with lots of love.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks. I have a lot to say to her but I guess it's better to show it instead.

$ 0.00
2 years ago