Writing prompt; A letter to an enemy...

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2 years ago

Hey un-dearest Foe!!!

First of all, I would like to tell you that there was a time, when we all used to spend time closely. We used to sit together in a tea shop, spend a half day together. I used to share a lot with you at that time. Do you remember all this?

You were on my top list at that time. But don't get tense because you are still on my top list. There were a lot of people in life who didn't like me. But they would show their true face in front of me. But a man with two faces like you is an on another level. I don't have problem with those who don't like me. But it is better to stay away from such crooks who become my friend and play the role of my enemy. It is said that time reveals the true face of man. But when this fact came before me, then I realize that time wants the good of man, only then it brings the real faces of others before us. If another person came before me and did evil to you, I would never believe that person, but when I saw your real face with my own eyes then sorry dude, it couldn't be denied.

I supported you in every difficult time, right?

I still have your secrets that can bring you down from the heights. But I would never want to reveal your secrets in front of others. I can't do such a bad thing with you to give myself peace. Ahh never, Because then there will be no difference between you and me. Most of the time when you try to push me back, I think may be you want the best for me. But I was wrong ,I was blind folded at that time.

I will never want to hurt you but I thank you for teaching me so many lessons.

  • Thank you so much for making me brave.

  • Thank you so much for telling me that it is better to stay away from you.

  • Thank you so much for telling me that "Not everyone can be trusted".

  • Thank you so much for making me realize that "Loneliness is better than fake friends".

  • Thank you so much for realizing me that "Love oneself should be first priority "

I want to see if there will be embarrassment in your eyes when you ever meet me in life. I had forgiven you, but I can no longer trust you. There is no point in having animosity. So, I forgive you today. Because Allah(God) love those who forgive. But sorry I can never add you to my friend list again.

Yours sincerely,

Not a friend

Hey guys!! Do you have an enemy? If yes then write the letter to your envy. And express your feelings. There have no rules in this prompt just share your thoughts and published into "Just write".

Thank you so much for reading this article. Hope you like it. I really appreciated you guys. I hope you spend your day with full of happiness and prosperity. Don't forget to help others because this small act makes your day very peaceful. Have great Tuesday.


This article written by me and yeah it's 97% unique.

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2 years ago


I have haters even tho I didn't do anything to them I just show them kindness and I know it kills them

$ 0.01
2 years ago

And that's the best revenge.

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2 years ago