Renewing some old memories,visit to lake view park

7 57

14 May, 2022

On 12 may night i texted my friend to let's go to the gym to play some basketball and like me she was also ready to go, then she replied me that the president of the sports activities has organised to visit the blood donation camp as guest's there, firstly we thought not to go there as the weather is too hot.

So at morning(yesterday) i woke up and get ready for the university but i have a pain in my foot, still i just wanted to go because there was nobody at home and i don't like spending much time alone so when i left home with one of my younger cousin i saw bus has reached the stop and i thought i will miss the bus as i asked my friends that i will come and then not going will not be fair , i just tried to run but because of the foot i can't , thanks to my friend who saw me ask the bus uncle to stop the bus as someone is coming(lol), the moment was hilarious, so at the start i lost my stamina, but was fine after some time.

So we directly went to the gym played there for some time, i was feeling soo good and then at 2:00pm my friend asked to let's go to the camping at lake view as it will be fun, we will enjoy there, we booked cabs and went to the lake view omg it was too hot and i was feeling a little exhausted because from the past one day i was just surviving on liquids because of the hot weather and also i was not feeling well because of the vomits,ahh my ribs were hurting badly.After sometime we reached at our destination i.e lake view park

When we reached at the lake view suddenly some old memories began to click my mind , some golden days, i remembered the time when i used to enjoy the rides here being child with my grandma, i remembered when she used to take horse riding with me, hmm those were the most beautiful memories of my life, i was just seeing all those moments in that park, i tried much to forget all this for now and just enjoy this time with my friends but i was not able to do soo, all my attention are diverted towards the past days even yesterday being at that place i was unable to understand a single word, my mind was just going to burst, but i tried hard to calm myself and forget all that, even i was not able to click these beautiful moments but my friends were doing soo so i was not worried about snaps(lol), sometimes, some moments don't allow you to move forward from the past 6 months i am noticing some weired change in my self, it's first time i am worried about myself, may be I'm unable to live without her or may be it will take some time to accept that she is not with me .

One of my friend kept asking me ' are you okay' and i just said to her that yeah I'm fine because if i started telling her the reason behind my sudden sadness, i was just about to cry and i don't want to make her sad and ruin her mood cos whenever i tell someone about something sad i can't control myself and started crying (lol), and also my grandma used to say that crying makes you weak so try to not cry .

Anyways it was a good time i enjoyed soo much with all of them we sat at the camp for sometime, the weather was extremely hot and everybody just wanted to have some water and juices and then we took a full round of lake view it was fun though i remember when i enjoyed taking a ride in the boat with my grandmother, we always used to visit lake view just because of the beautiful view of water and then taking a ride at motor boat.

The view of this lake was eye catching. After that my friend bought finger chips for all of us, then while coming back we saw a man with gun and balloons, yeah then bibijani tried to shoot at the point and guess what she didn't miss even a single target, well she is the good shooter both in basketball and also in this one(haha). So overall it was really a good and nice day the only thing that i want to move forward but I'm unable to do so.

I wanted to donate some blood but due some weakness i was not able to do it, so they awarded all of us with the certificate of participation and then at 5:30 we all came back .

Well then after coming home my head was aching badly i hope that this headache issue will be fine cos its irritating and now out of control, and because of this I'm not able to even talk with anyone. Still i was in the memories of lake view with my grandmother. I took shower and then to divert my mind i started watching drama after some times i ordered some food for me, at night i was craving for soft swirl ice-cream but nobody was at home nor anyone was there to cone with me so i just grabbed my favourite flavour cornetto and some snacks from the nearby shop cos living without ice-cream and watermelon is impossible for me in summers soo that was all about yesterday.

All the pictures and gifs are clicked by

Note: Each and everything written in this article is according to me personal experience not even a single word is copied from any source.

Special thanks to my first beautiful sponsor and a good writer @Raheela , do check the articles of my sponsor they are worth reading , you will surely gonna enjoy reading.

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Memories like this are usually very painful dear, I totally understand how you might have felt, you know, those memories just appear like wild fire in our brains and we feel downcast and sad even at moments we were happy. I hope She rests in perfect peace.. Stay strong dear

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes you completely explained what I was feeling at that time, thank you for well wishes .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You know what I too have some very strong memories associated with this place. When I read the word LAKE VIEW PARK on your article I suddenly opened it and started reading it. I remember this was our favourite place to go on every Eid in old days. By the way thank you so much for your kind words. You yourself are a very good writer and after getting so far and then suddenly starting everything from scratch after a mishap requires a great deal of courage. You have this courage! Stay strong! I wish you all the best .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Aww thank you soo much for your well wishes my dear raheela, you are right memories are everything but sometimes i try to get out of some memories cos some memories are also painful.I also used to visit lake view with my grandmother but after her demise i never visited this place and suddenly tomorrow i visited with my friends and i was just about to collapse but thank god i controlled my self (lol).

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are right some memories are really painful. I can understand’ May Allah grant your grandmother highest ranks in jannah

$ 0.01
2 years ago

The place where we spent a time with our beloved ones memorized that precious moments when we go there again. It's the natural thing that happened with you. Allah give your grandma a highest rank in the Jannat 🤍. B/w after seeing the Cornetto in your hand right now am feeling craving for it😋

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ameen sum ameen, i wish i will buy one for you also but you are far away from me, cornetto is just love of my life.. haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago