Unable to accept the existing world as it really is, we create our own world, our own symbols and the perspective of reality. The language of that world contains only the outlines of the real. It consists of the same letters and punctuation marks. The difference is that this language has not only a different meaning than it has no meaning at all.
Symbolic interactionism means communication that takes place through letters and signs. The content of the speech is discredited on the basis of the social position of the speaker, because it symbolizes its exclusive value. The distinction between symbolization and meaning is lost due to the inability of individuals to understand meaning alone.
Escapism through the morning dose of morphine, which is reflected in the validation of addicts, represents the best way in which social networks simulate reality. The symbol of "networking" creates a simulation of the social habitus, which is one of the basic human needs. Conformism as a lifestyle dictates that it is much easier to live and live in such a reality.
The interaction can be escaped by tomorrow's response to the message, under the pretext that we were busy, emotions are expressed through smilies that are much easier to put than an artificial smile on a face whose deeper meaning is only a spasm that depicts a constant effort to put our desires within the existing world. .
After all, we can always hide behind "offline" status.
An image of oneself that is built by constant intellectual and emotional development is replaced by an image of oneself that can only be seen and whose only frame is a mirror frame or a mobile phone screen. The change, therefore, is not reflected in the change itself, but only in a different representation of oneself.
Trapped between a loss of identity and an unfulfilled desire to create a new one, we create only a complex based on the aspiration to present ourselves through the modern parameters of an ideal photograph.
The simulation of reality, which over time has conventionally become reality itself, creates images of individuals. In addition, the lack of potential of individuals to separate photography from personality, as well as the excess of advertisements explain the whole fiction we live. The globalization of reality is reflected in the fact that self-satisfaction cannot be sold as is the case with mascaras and masks.
When we base our ego exclusively on masks and symbols, the question arises: What happens when we return from the masquerade? When does a mask tear or go out of fashion? That is, who are we when we take off the mask we are wearing?
Nobody, a fictional person who represents nothing but the stuntman of today who has just played his role.
By a constant life route, which we do not make a route but a routine made by our identical idea of reality, we create a cave within which we create our view of the world which is mainly reduced to the world of shadows, if we are lucky that fire reflects them like black spots painted on its walls. . If the cave represents our environment, the fire our perception and the shadows our symbols and ideas of reality, we get a realistic picture of the world in which we live.
Itd not good tjonkgs to shareing own Life with infront of Social media ... Its Not Good.. I think so... but there is So many People’s i know whome Share thare own Real life withong Social media