My favorite writer is... 2

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2 years ago

Hello and welcome to a new article, my kind person, I hope you are feeling excellent. I am very well and full of energy today

Monday, January 10th.

As I told you before in My favorite writer is... 1, I really like to read, no matter the book, if I find it interesting I will read it. I also told you that I am not one of those people who read a book twice, because I remember what happens, now my memory failed me a little bit with the name of one of the books I will tell you about next...

John Katzenbach

Katzenbach is an American writer and journalist. He has combined his work as a journalist specializing in judicial issues with writing. His works have been very successful and have been nominated for several awards. His novels stand out for being fiction and suspense, where this type of reading makes our expectations shudder.

He is known for being the writer of "The Analyst". This was the first book I read by this writer. I remember I was at a friend's house and I was looking at the collection of books he had. This book caught my attention and my friend told me that it was very good and to lend it to me to read. And so it was, I took the book to my house and started to read it, the reading caught me immediately, so I did not stop reading for several days until I finished it.

After finishing the book I traveled to Cumaná and lent it to my mother and brother who were at home, they also liked this book. I know it is a friend's book, but my parents have taught me well how to take care of things, especially books, which are very delicate, so my mother and brother treated it with great care.

"El Psicoanalista"

This novel forces the protagonist to make decisions that will make him commit suicide or continue living. This happens because an unknown psychopath starts pressuring him so that the protagonist finds out who he is. This psychopath knows the protagonist's routine life, so he starts threatening him and says that the revenge is for a past event.

"The analyst"

The stranger writes some rules like: don't tell the police and that the protagonist asks questions in the newspaper to get some clues, these questions will be answered by the psychopath in the same newspaper.

It is quite an intriguing plot that grabs you from the beginning to the end. It's a very different genre from the author I had talked about in the first part. Oh, I don't want to talk so much about this novel so as not to spoil it in case you decide to read it, telling you a little more is telling you the story.

"A Day of Reckoning" was the second novel I read by John Katzenbach. I was able to buy this book. This novel is full of action, tension and suspense from the beginning of the story to the end. After reading "The Analyst" I started to look for more books by this author, finding this novel, I have read that many people did not like it because they think it is not an elaborated plot, but I think it is very well done, I loved it, of course it is very different from "The Analyst", it did not catch me so much, but, not all books have to be the same, not all books will have the same fame.

"Un Asunto Pendiente"

This novel is about a revenge that has been planned for 18 years, (what a grudge this person holds). Before this revenge, in 1968 a group of young revolutionaries were planning a bank robbery, this group was led by the vengeful person. This plan did not go as well as they thought, several people die during the robbery and among those people dies the lover of our spiteful character. There is a young couple who, seeing that the plan was beginning to fail, flee and are saved. The only person who is arrested and sentenced to 18 years in prison was the person whose lover was killed.

"A Day of Reckoning"

This person had been storing up a grudge against the couple the entire time he was in jail, thus planning a perfect strategy to kidnap the couple's son who fled.

This young couple after the plan failed decided to change their life completely, away from crime.

"What Comes Next" was the third and last book I read by this author, I remember that I wanted to buy it but I didn't have enough money, so I found it on the internet and I started to read it over there, although this way of reading I don't like very much, I did it because I don't have the economic resources to keep buying books.

I have been for three days trying to remember the name of this book, I remember everything that happens from the beginning to the end, but, I did not remember the profession of the main character, since in Spanish it is called "The Teacher", it was so hard for me to remember, so I had to do a long research until by chance I found that the profession of the main character was a professor, oh yes, what a difference that the name in English is What Comes Next and in Spanish is The Teacher

"El Profesor" - "The Teacher"

This novel is about a retired teacher who is diagnosed with a rare disease, this disease leads him to lose his memory and die in a few years.

The professor, leaving the doctor's office, witnesses the kidnapping of a girl in the street. He realizes that the police are not acting on the case and that the girl will probably never be found alive.

Those who kidnap the girl are a sadistic couple who run a website "What Comes Next", where they have an equally sadistic audience who can watch in real time what happens to the victims they kidnap.

"What Comes Next"

This book gave me a lot of pain and fear, because I know that this is something that can happen in many places, even if people don't believe it or want to cover up this kind of horrible things, it is something that is common. Several years ago, there were a few months that in my country, especially in the area where I lived before, they had started a massive movement of kidnappings of young people, I do not really know if the authorities did anything, but I do know that many women began to disappear, so this made me very afraid to go out on the street alone again.

Many years after all this, I found this novel "What Comes Next" and I remembered that past that I had erased from my mind. "What Comes Next" is a novel that immerses you in a rather cruel world that we don't want to talk about but we know exists. It shows us the most depraved thoughts of society and how a girl at the beginning of her life must depend on a man who has a degenerative disease and who knows that at some point she will die.

The books I have wanted to buy and have not been able to are:

  • Just Cause: It is about a famous journalist who receives a letter from a man condemned to death who claims he is innocent.

  • Red 1-2-3: It's the story of three women, who don't know each other but soon their stories will come together because a psychopathic killer tells the three women he's going to kill them, but doesn't tell them when or where.

  • The Madman's Tale: The protagonist was sent to a mental institution by his family after he engaged in unpredictable behavior that culminated in a crisis. But a reunion on the grounds of the closed institution stirs something deep in the mind of the protagonist some dark memories, about the murder young nurse, whose corpse was found mutilated, but this case could not be solved.

Note: There are many more books that I have wanted to buy, but I have not been able to, these are only the ones I have seen the most in the bookstores, that's why I write them in this small list.

Thank you for having reached the end of my article, I hope you liked it, remember that you can give me a like or leave me a comment with your favorite writer or your favorite books...

PS: John Katzenbach is not my favorite writer. I know that in the previous article I told you that in this article I was going to tell you about more writers, but I just couldn't do it. I feel I should tell you a little more about the author and his works.

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See you in the next article! ❤️ 

All content is original

The images were taken from the web

Greetings from Venezuela😊❤️

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Written by
2 years ago


That list of books you have read is long, you have enough topics to write about. Success

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks thanks and still more and more to come hahaha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow, that is a lot of books. The last time I read a whole book was like 5 yeas ago. It was a fictional story. Maybe one day I will reaad one of his books. 🙂

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Oh, I also have some time without reading, but it's shorter, maybe about 3 months. This year I have set a goal to read one book per month, any book, it doesn't matter if it's a short one or a lengthy book

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good, you write about your favorite writer. I like old classics, short stories of Rabindranath Tagore (Bengali), Somerset Maugham, Guy de Maupassant (English and Bengali translations), Anton Chekov (Bengali and English translations). I liked the novels of Da Fyodor Dostoevsky (English translations). I read David Copperfield by Charles Dickens many times.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you so much for your valuable comment. How great to read that you like the old classics. I mentioned in the previous article that I like any kind of reading, as long as it holds my attention. As soon as I can I will read some of the books you have posted.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I am so happy to exchange a dialog on literature, which I think is essential for our minds to revitalize the endurance of life. BTW, I am (debesh) from our earlier encounter here!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh, perfect, I'm already following it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also follow your account.

$ 0.00
2 years ago