200 Dollars in read.cash!

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: BTC, BCH, Daily life, Bitcoin, Digital, ...

Hello, hello. Beautiful and kind read.cash people. How have you been today? I hope you are feeling great on this beautiful day.

I am great, I woke up early and energetic. My breakfast was really delicious and was accompanied by a nice coffee with milk and cinnamon. Yumi!

Sunday, January 09th

It's been a while since I've posted my earnings... So this article will address that. And something very important I haven't seen any negative comments about read.cash anymore, before I had seen many comments saying it was a scam, but those people weren't making many articles and were making negative comments to other people. So I guess they weren't going to make any friends or money that way.

With the name of the article I have already told you how much I have earned, but I will tell you something important, that has cost me a lot of effort, if you really want to earn that amount in the same time as me you must make an effort, you must not only write, you must also visit other people, read and value their articles and make a positive comment, without insults, read.cash has not been created for negative comments.

Oh yes, at the beginning it may be difficult, it also happened to me, there are other people that are luckier, I have seen people that in one month they already have 7 sponsors and earn $5 per article, oh I think it is wonderful, I am not going to feel bad because someone else gets paid more than me, I am going to support him/her. For me right now earning $1 per article is important, because if I earn this amount in a month I have $30, maybe you will say that it is not much, it is true, in my country you can not buy many things with $30, but something is something, it is much better $30 to have nothing.

With read.cash I have solved many emergencies, many payments, purchases of clothes, food, necessary things, gifts to my relatives. In read.cash I have earned much more than in my previous job where I worked from Monday to Saturday more than 7 hours, maybe you think 7 hours is nothing, but before going to work I was in college all my mornings, so the only free time was from 7 or 8pm, and you know what? I was still teaching music lessons, but not at the academy, but at the students' homes. I didn't have Sundays free either, I worked at my students' homes giving lessons. What I gave in 2 classes was much more than what the academy paid me in a month, but all that money went to rent and food. All my time was to pay for only two things, without being able to enjoy my free time, because I didn't have it.

On read.cash I don't have an exact payment per month, but according to the payments for each publication I can get an approximate number of how much I make per month or how much I make every 10 articles. If every 10 articles I make $30 I will make $90 a month.

I am only 3 months old at read.cash, but I have written over 60 articles some with $0.21 profit and some with $13 profit. Remembering our principles is necessary, so I will show you my earnings from my beginnings, but don't worry I will keep it short.

  • I started at the end of October and I didn't write very often, so my earnings were $6.98, but it was excellent I only did 5 articles.

  • I set a goal to write daily in November and I made $90.19 in 30 articles.

  • In December I set the same goal, but it was complicated, but from December 15 I wrote daily, I made $89.76 in 22 articles.

I finished my 2021 with a profit of $186.93 in 57 articles.

  • In January I have written 9 articles with a profit of $17.12

In total I have written 66 articles (counting this one) and have earned $204.05 in total. That's an excellent profit for the 3 months I have here.

Now I will leave you the proof of my earnings, my charts are grouped in 10 articles. The articles I have already published are in green color, the ones I have not published are in white color.

In my first 20 articles I earned $53,85 in total.

In my second 20 articles I earned $62,17. In the first 40 articles, I earned a total of $116,02.

On my third 20 articles I have earned $76.19. On 60 articles in total I have earned $192,11

I have not yet reached my fourth 20 items, but in only 5 items I have earned $11.84. In 65 items in total I have earned $204.05.

These are my monthly earnings, so you can see that I'm not lying

Thank you for reaching the end of my article, I hope you liked it. Remember that "he who perseveres advances". Keep writing each article with dedication and love, so that other people like your article and also feel motivated to continue writing.

Remember that you can go through the articles of my wonderful sponsors and read them, I know you will like them.

Sponsors of ArteFM

See you in the next article! ❤️ 

All content is original

The images were taken by me

Greetings from Venezuela😊❤️

$ 3.09
$ 2.89 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Frankmart
$ 0.06 from @King_Gozie
+ 2
Avatar for ArteFM
Written by
2 years ago
Topics: BTC, BCH, Daily life, Bitcoin, Digital, ...


your hard works paid you off very well)) many more to come mate

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh yes my friend, hard work pays good fruits, thanks for your kind comment. I hope you will also have much success

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

congrats mate. thats a good one.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you very much friend, I hope you will also be very lucky

$ 0.00
2 years ago

thank you for your kind words :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Great job my friend! My congratulation! And Good Luck!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you very much friend, I wish you much luck and success to earn much more and have more followers, let everyone see your art.

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Little by little the hen fills the crop. Congratulations and much success in the days to come.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you father, the next goal is 1 BCH haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations, keep going.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you very much my dear sponsor, who loves coffee and plants.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's great! Just keep on writing mate. You'll gain more subscribers soon too and probably more earnings to come. Cheers!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you my friend for your valuable comment. Oh yes, that's what I hope this year, to increase subscribers and profits. I wish you success too

$ 0.00
2 years ago