Title: TRONADOR || Macarré 

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Avatar for Arte-macarre
2 years ago

A great pleasure to greet you.
Today I bring you my most recent art creation, a realistic painting with a horse full of energy, vitality and a lot of panache.

This realistic style is not the one I usually use but I am passionate about painting horses in all styles, that's why I dared with this one, and I love how it turned out, and I am happy with it.

I hope you like it and enjoy the process and the result.

Technical specifications:

  • Technique: acrylic on canvas.

  • Size: 100 x 80 cms.

  • Year: 2021.

  • Author: María Lorena Carrero. MACARRÉ

Step by step

I always draw the silhouette of the horse, trying to maximize proportion, symmetry and position, basic concepts that must be in harmony for the desired achievement of the horse's painting.

After painting the background, I begin to stain with a dark base, in this case a shade of brown shadow and then give the light and brightness with ochers, yellows and white.

My horse is taking shape as I paint it.

Sponsors of Arte-macarre

NOTE: This work of art was sold two days after it was created.

After three weeks of work, this is what my horse Tronador looked like.

If you want to appreciate my works and know more about me as a visual artist, I leave you my networks so you can follow me.

$ 5.86
$ 5.78 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @Ellen.he
$ 0.02 from @ShameemS
+ 2
Sponsors of Arte-macarre
Avatar for Arte-macarre
2 years ago


Wow my friend, it is a really amazing and beautiful realistic painting of a horse with full of energy and vitality, in acrylic technique. I really love its proportion, symmetry and position.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You are also a great artist. Thank you very much for your comment and always welcome to my space for art.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

All your works are just excellent master piece. Anybody would love to have a glance at what you are doing. I believe you need to have great patience and time.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you very much! You can follow me on Instagram, there are all my works and my artistic career. I am at your service, I work for commissions and / or orders from all over the world.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Qué maravillosa obra. Te felicito y creo que si continúas haciéndolo vas a crear otras de increíble valor. Muchas gracias por compartir con nosotros estas cosas, porque como podrás ver en mi perfil, estas son las cosas que me parecen que son importantes, las que nos apasionan y las que nos llenan porque le podemos transmitir nuestro gusto y nuestro ánimo a los demás para que también ellos trabajen y compartan.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

¡Muchas gracias! En un gusto poder compartir mi arte y que sea apreciado. Estoy a la orden, trabajo por encargos y/o pedidos.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I forgot to ask please do you give like lessons or should I say private lessons to people online maybe on YouTube or Instagram because am obsessed with anyone who does art or even likes it, and am very much obsessed with you right now and loves the work there, I want to be good but am thinking overnight which is something that can never happen

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks for the visit. At the moment I am not giving classes, if I decide to do so I will let you know so that you can sign up and start living the world of art.

$ 0.00
2 years ago