ArtPark Weekly: "Draw your monster... Stuffed toy-style"

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3 years ago

DYM Summary

Prompt post | Closing post

It's the second installment of "Draw your monster..."! This time we did stuffed toy style. We don't know about you but we were expecting fluffy lovely creatures but the participating artists went over and beyond and delivered cute-creepy and creepy-creepy stuffed toy monsters!!

It amazes us that every time we give a subjective art prompt, the outputs are so diversified. It proves to us again and again that artists don't see art in a telescope, in a one-way tunnel, but in a kaleidoscope, a different pattern produced if you look it from a different angle. It surely goes without saying that we are especially proud of the outputs for last week.

Number of participants : 17

@Hanzell :

@Solumvis :

@crazyan03 :

@leannnwithdoublen :

@Lemonade :

@MyHero :

@Michelesca :

@straykat :

@Chimucka :

@kusshinaaa :

@fanart :

@Perplexus :

@Ajer09 :

@Ludys :

@Pega5u5 :

@IamValkyrie :

@crimsonowl :

Pool Tips mini report

Each participant has been tipped with 0.001 BCH by the ArtPark account, totaling 0.017 BCH of given tips. We also received $10 worth of BCH for the Pool Tips from generous sponsors.

ArtPark Insider

A few days ago, we checked the list of all channels in and checked on the status of our own channel. ArtPark channel has overpassed the 500 subs marked and we have come to a conclusion that ArtPark is the most active art community in the platform. We couldn't have done it without the artists participating and of course, the supporters and sponsors. You all keep the ship floating. Thank you!

On that note, as our way of giving back here in the platform, we have started to sponsor artists from who have accounts here on this platform. We have sponsored a couple of accounts way back and we are still tracking for more. However, we reserve the right to not disclose the amount we will be sponsoring and for how long but we assure you that we will be doing this as long the Pool Tips allow us.

The number of participants may be as volatile as the price of BCH every week, but we always look forward to your participation.

ArtPark Channel

Presentation day: Sunday → Saturday

New Prompts: Monday → Sunday


Hashtags you can use when posting on or about #ArtPark

#ArtParkWIP for Work-In-Progress posts

#ArtParkSOQ for any prompt suggestions, opinions and questions

#ArtParkWeekly in addition to the week’s prompt hashtag (kindly check the prompt post every week for the correct hashtag)

Who are we and what do we do? Get to know us → Welcome to our park: ArtPark!

Want to support the artists of the ArtPark community?

Consider sponsoring our Pool Tips where we get the fund to reward participating artists for their creativity →

©ArtPark by @crimsonowlkk and @ishanvirtue

$ 8.58
$ 7.98 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.50 from @Ruffa
$ 0.10 from @Hanzell
Sponsors of ArtPark
Avatar for ArtPark
3 years ago


OMG! I joined Read Cash after very months and discovered my mention in this article. I want to say this is a comfortable way to view all submissions. I remember @Hanzell 's draw, which is amazing, but I cannot remember @Perplexus 's incredible cute elephant. That was a good week for art. Thank you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ohhh you finally joined the platform! Welcome here UwU

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehe, thank you! Nice to see you here too~

$ 0.00
2 years ago