Some mosquitoes are dancing

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2 years ago
Article No. 15

Among the friends of my Read Cash family today I present with another new article. I hope you are in a good mood and reading new articles. Reading is a lot of fun and if you get money by reading it, it should be a great pleasure. Today I will write some mosquito autobiography.


Before that, tell me how everyone slept last night, you must have slept very well. You must have spent the night dreaming a beautiful dream or couple number of dreams. Night means a moment of solitude, night means a new dream, night means sleeping by closing two eyes. Again, night means mosquito annoyance or a long night of unbearable sleep.

Last night I did not sleep at all. I was half asleep almost all night. I was dying of mosquito bites. After writing the last article I slept so much that I had no time to hang the mosquito net. I almost fell asleep like unconscious. At that time the world seemed like full with mosquito to me.

Story Of A Child Mosquito.

Let me tell you a story about a mosquito. Once there was a mosquito kingdom in an unknown place. Thousands of mosquitoes used to live there. In that mosquito kingdom, there lived a wise couple. They loved each other very much as a couple, but they had no children for a long time. They used to spend a sorrowful life with this. They used to wake up at the night and cried as they has no children. They wondered how they could have no heir in this beautiful world. With this pain the queen mosquito went to commit suicide. Then the male mosquito understood her a lot. Why die? If you die, whom I am going to live with? What will happen to me without your existence?


At one point, the queen mosquito did not commit suicide. Then soon comes the child in her womb. They are very happy with that child.

They gave a lot of good advice to their child. One of their advices was like that, "Not to go around people or so called 'Human Being'. Because humans are very scary animals in this world. They have no mercy in their heart for the mosquitoes."

The child mosquito learns to fly at one stage. One day their parents were not at home. On that day, the baby mosquito went out flying to see the human beings. His parents were very worried about not getting the child, when they came back home after work. They thought, surely their children is not alive at all.

After searching here and there, they saw their children coming home flying. Queen Mosquito questioned him,

"Where did you go my son?"

Son mosquito: "To see people, mother!"

Queen Mosquito: "Didn't say people are a very bad race."

Son mosquito said : "No, mother, they (Human) are very good with their behavior and manner. They were clapping when they saw me flying and singing. Today has been a lot of fun. I can't say what I like today."

Now you guys answer me,

Are people really applauding him?

I was also bitten by a baby mosquito. I also applauded him. Lol!

$ 5.40
$ 5.32 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @sj0820
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2 years ago


Wow nice story that you've shared here, keep on writing more 🤗

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you so much for reading the story,,

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Its seems like the mosquito are talking gossip about what food they are going to eat. When they silently suck withnout the person notice.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

In the perspective of that mosquito we're clapping but we're actually irritated and want that mosquito dead 😭

$ 0.02
2 years ago

crazy people thinks that, we applaud for them even when they do stupid things.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The story seems amazing to me but you should remember to not slap mistakely while clapping , in a result of that slap the mosquitoes could be dead. Keep spreading your stories here.

$ 0.00
2 years ago