Almost all sellers now use loudspeakers

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Avatar for Aone180392
1 year ago

Most likely because the seller of fried tofu suddenly used a loudspeaker.

Loudspeakers influence other itinerant salespeople to do the same. His distinctive tone of voice inspired fellow salespeople to imitate him. Her iconic voice has caught the attention of many people. And although his voice sounded "squeaky", it aroused curiosity.

As it is now. Almost all the salespeople who stop by at the complex where I live use "Artificial Sound". They no longer shouted at the children and residents of the complex. Simply through a recorded voice played over and over again from their speakers to announce his arrival.

As did Mr. Rahmat, a vegetable seller who has been running for more than 2 years and stops by my complex every day installing speakers in his vegetable basket. through the loudspeaker came the distinctive "vegetable.vegetable.fresh vegetable" sound .

Mr. Rahmat was inspired to do this from a fellow vegetable seller who had used it before. then he imitated with cheap speakers and simple electronic circuits. With this voice recording and speakers, mr. Rahmat no longer needs to shout for his customers.

The sound of the speaker that is heard from a distance makes people who want to shop will definitely come soon. In line with mr. Rahmat, a bakpao seller who usually goes past 7 in the morning, also follows a similar trend. "Bakpao, Bakpao, delicious. There are flavors of chocolate, green bean, strawberry".

Actually there is nothing special about the series of sounds. but the noises give color to the mornings in our compound. but because the sound is repeated continuously can make listeners interested in buying.

Does artificial sound contain magic that attracts buyers? I don't knows.

Does artificial sound contain magic that attracts buyers? Who knows.

Only the sound is repeated, the longer the sound seems to have the power of a buyer. as well as chicken sellers, every time they stop by my complex. "Assalamualaikum, chicken, chicken, fresh chicken" haha that's what it sounds like.

Actually the words are short. but then again, it had a quirk, like the voice of a man specially trained to produce the sounds that a traveling salesman would later make.

I don't know what other seller will use artificial sound from the speakers. maybe traditional market sellers will eventually follow suit. Can't imagine if that actually happened. What will happen is that the market will be more crowded by the sounds of these artificial speakers. Ha ha

The point is that this is part of sales innovation, no matter how small it is, innovation is needed, not only in the business field, but in all fields, innovation is needed.

Finally, I thank you for visiting and reading my writing.

$ 0.19
$ 0.10 from @alberich
$ 0.05 from @qheer92
$ 0.03 from @Ayukyukyu2
+ 1
Avatar for Aone180392
1 year ago


Thank you for your post . I live in a farming village in Thailand. I was born in an ugly part of South East London. The Thai countryside is as close to paradise as I've ever been. Surrounded by nature, trees, animals, birdsong. But - there is an endless stream of people driving around in trucks selling goods and announcing their wares over loudspeakers. And they are often unbelievably loud. Really loud. I appreciate it's people trying to make a living, but the volume can really be a nuisance sometimes. :-)

$ 0.01
1 year ago