Ok guys, I do really like Bitcoin Cash, but I'm getting a little tired of all the articles on here just blindly complementing BCH as much as possible. Like clearly some people are just regurgitating ideas they've already heard to try to make money. It's a bit cringy.

$ 0.06
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@AntiSJWLeft posted 3 years ago


I guess I picked a good time to be too busy to keep up with read.cash. In reading the comments to your short post, I guess there was a significant uptick in this behavior vs what was previously going on. In any case, while I'm not sure it would be helpful right now, one of the first things I did when I joined read.cash was hide the "Cryptocurrency and Blockchain (7b7f)" community so that its posts wouldn't show up on the main feed. I thought I also joined the community so that I could follow its articles, but something changed so I don't have the option to view it from the top of the main page anymore. Further, it wasn't showing in my "joined" community list (I know I have articles posted there, as that's how I found it again, then I realized I could look at the "hidden" list). Nonetheless, it has historically helped me see other articles and avoid that inundation.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It is what happens if people think, know (?) think this is the only way to earn. Not different from other platforms. No news, no personal news because you will hardly find real investors here.

Btw read.cash told me as I joined this platform these are the worst and most boring articles because of a lack of know-how. My question is: why rewarding posts like these, information that can be found everywhere?

On the other hand, good info for starters wouldn't be a plus. I can not say I can find that here, mainly articles are written by those who already know filled with terms that drive you crazy and do not fit your situation.

It's hard to be original and to reach out to those who just started and like to keep it simple. If cryptocurrency isn't simple it will not be adopted only used by the poor because it helps them buy rice, sugar and with some luck a pair of shoes.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah, that bugs me a bit too. Especially when people write articles that they don't know anything about. Just because Mobtwo got 10000$ tip from Marc DeMesel, now everybody wants to get a lot of tips in a simple way.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That is because some people got some good tips 3 days ago writing about BCH. Something like 10,000$... So everyone is trying to do the same...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I have written the same 🤣 But not because I want 10000 tips from Marc, well who doesn't want it? But I was just summarizing the things I've learned about BCH, it just happens I wrote it after reading Mobtwo article, also I was endorsing to my co newbie the swap features they might wanna try. I firmly believe Marc won't give tips to a regular user who doesn't have any contributions to BCH development 😆

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago