Love Part

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3 years ago

# Love_at_1st_sight

Part: 1

Writer: Jobaida sobti

Asif, Shaun, Vijay, Neha, Fabiha, and Rahul are varsity seniors. They are good at ragging juniors.

1st day at college, 1st day at college,

As soon as I went to the front, I saw some juniors raging.


Allah Allah did not say anything. But one of the boys followed Sneha. Sneha realized that but the boy did nothing. If the father survives, the father's name will be haha.

Some new girlfriends in the class, Shaila, Marjan, Zarifa.

Miss said there would be a college program to look at the notice board on the go, whichever participant would choose.

At the end of the class, everyone came out at the same time.

In front of that rogue pola shots. Do that.

Victory: This is the girls' group.

We all stood up.

Vijay: We don't understand what you are pretending to see and not see the seniors. I have seen many groups like you, Mamunis.

That boy is among them. That was looking over and over again. Just saying nothing like the rest.

O seniors, we have been ordered to come early tomorrow. Tomorrow we will be ragging whoever has to do what he says.

This is the rule of this college.

Aslam went home. What will happen will be seen tomorrow. My mother was asking how the first day went. I said well. I got very tired and came to sleep. I got up and saw my father and mother sitting and talking.

Sneha: My mother is hungry to eat.

Mother: You are sleeping so I did not call.

Dad also asked how the first day went. I explained to my father and mother that he would stop going to college again.

I was having such a beautiful dream when suddenly my mother called.

Mother: Sneha, what happened? I am not going to college. You are so late today.

I got up in a hurry and got ready for what, so I was supposed to leave early today.

I went and reached.

Shaila, Marjan, Zarifa are all standing ,,,, and there are many more in the class. I went and stood behind Shaila quickly. Shaila: What happened Sneha you are so late.

Sneha: The diameter has become 6

Shaila: You don't know that Chris was supposed to come early today.

Sneha: Well what to do in ragging?

Shaila: They have to do what they say. For example, you will ask the most handsome sir of the college to propose. Either ask them to dance or else they will do some of their personal work with us.

Suddenly he called Shaila and asked her name.

He told everyone to call them sir. Shaila was forced to salute Shaila in front of everyone

Then he called me.

Asif: Stand here and come forward.

I was trembling with fear.

Suddenly Asif was removed and the boy came to the front.

Asif: Oh Rahul! Will you take her or her ragging.

Rahul: Hmm, he will assign me from today.

Asif: But it is simple

Rahul: Hey beta, my hand is in pain while writing, it will make me have glasses type.

Sneha: (in my mind) will the villain do his assignment with me without his own assignment or his father's servant or I.

Rahul: Is this the name of your glasses..8

Sneha: Yes! Sneha.6

Vijay: Sir Dakba always understood us.

Sneha: Yes! Sir ๐Ÿ˜ž ..

I left for class.

Shaila: Wow wow wow! All we have to do is give Rahul Rahul a simple job for you.

Sneha: You call it simple work

Marjan: Maybe not. It's very simple. Shame on us. by the way that boy was looking at Snehar again from the first day but. I don't know what I mean. Hee-hee

Sneha: I will keep quiet. I am already in tension

Everyone is ready to go home after class. Everyone is getting down after talking. I got very thirsty for water, so I took a bottle out of the water and drank it. Suddenly, I got down from the tree, ate a dhaksha as soon as I came back, and the water bottle went out of my hand. The shirt of the person with whom I had a fight got wet.

What is this stem 6

Sneha: Sorry sir, I was really thirsty for water. So I didn't notice. I quickly took out a tissue and gave it to him.

He took the tissue and left with a teddy smile.

Zarifa: Wow he is so cool ..

Sneha: As long as I stay here, there will be danger signs.

Marjan: It's not a danger signal. Signs of something else

Zarifa: The most handsome hot and sweet among the raggingers but this is it.

Sneha: Which one? ๐Ÿ˜ง

Zarifa: Rahul with whom I have a fight!

Sneha: It's been a long time.

Aslam went home. I ate fresh and sat down to watch TV, suddenly the mobile rang Unknown number.

Sneha: Hello!

Unknown: no response

Sneha: Why did you call me if you didn't talk? ๐Ÿ˜

He hung up the phone. Tut tut ...

# Love_at_1st_sight๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ’ž

Writer: #Jubaida_Sobti

#Part: 2 & 3

I woke up in the morning again on my mobile ringtone ...

I got up and grabbed the mobile.

Called again from that unknown number.

Sneha: Hello! Who?

Unknown: no respons: /

Sneha: Does it matter if you call me just to hear my voice?

Unknown hung up the phone.

I don't know, Ajaira just calls but doesn't speak.

Let's go to college fresh and ready.

As soon as I went to the front, I found Shaila and the two of them entered the college together. Shaila and my house are on the same road later.

I entered the college and saw what some seniors were saying. The two of us were passing by. Suddenly a voice came from that khan. Stand innocent.

I stood up and looked back at the boy.

Sneha: Yes sir said?

Rahul: Have you seen the notice board?

Sneha: Yes sir. ๐Ÿ˜”

Rahul: What are you participating in?

Sneha: Yes sir helper 7

Rahul: Oh good! This is not my assignment

Sneha: Yes sir.

Rahul: Just g sir g sir why can you say something else or not? ๐Ÿ˜•

Sneha: Yes sir 6

Rahul: Well go

Sneha was leaving. Suddenly he looked back and saw that Rahul was still looking at him. Rahul quickly removed his eyes and walked away.

Sneha ๐Ÿ˜Œ Blushes

I came home after college.

In the evening, my father bought a new mobile phone.

Rashu: (Sneha's brother) Dad, you are an unlana for me

Dad: I'll bring it for you too. Before you get up on the 12th like your sister.

Rashu: But Dad, all my friends use phones like this.

Father: Their result and such is the father

Sneha: Well, you can use mine too, but on one condition, if the result is bad, then the mobile touch is off.

Rashu: OK OK 7

Sneha: Let's read this time.

At night, my mother called me for dinner. Rashu ran before me.

I was also going to call my mother again when suddenly I saw someone's shadow outside the main door so I went there and told someone but no one responded.

At my voice my father came and saw that there was no one. Dad said maybe I thought there was someone.

The next morning I woke up again on Unknown's phone.

Just like before. Maybe I call as soon as I hear my voice

I got up, got ready for breakfast and went to college. Like every other day when I entered the college, I read Mr. Handsome's entry face to face today but said nothing. A killer went away with a smile

Everyone is checking the board to find out what is participating. I also went and saw ...

Seeing that, he turned his head

Shaila and Aslo came after me to check the wire, we both wore the same seven

Shaila: Defeat has made us the helpers of this scoundrel. It makes you shake your head when you see its ugly attitude.๐Ÿ˜– Miss: Neha.

Sneha: Being a helper was our fault

Shaila: Here is a minute written here Neha with Rahul means they will do Kapal dance. We are their helper.

Sneha: But the rest of our class has become helpers. Even the design of why we both went to dance.

Shaila: That's it, let's go to practice, otherwise if it's late again, it will be from Miss Neha to Miss Dinosaur.

I entered the practice room.

Neha: He is my helper if you two.

Teacher: Neha come on .. dance 1st ..

Neha: Mem, I need a little rest I m โ€‹โ€‹so tried ๐Ÿ˜ด

Teacher: OK only 15 mins.

Neha went and put her hand on Rahul's neck,

Neha: Rahul

Rahul: Hmm!

Neha: The date goes tomorrow.

Rahul: ๐Ÿ˜„ Date with u funny joke .. Have you seen your face?

Neha: come on Rahul, for this face, thousands of boys are crazy.

Rahul: Buyers of cheap things understand more

Neha: Look, you can't find a more beautiful girl for me.

Rahul: I have got mine specially made by Allah for me.

Shaila and Sneha were listening to their words in silence

Shaila: It would be good if at least someone rejected this khadusata this time if the mind is a little less archi.

Sneha: But why did the girl reject the really beautiful sir. ๐Ÿ˜ณ

Shaila: Hey, there is no value in this beautiful characterless.

Sneha: I mean

Shaila: Stay away. You are not old enough to understand

Then continue practice started. Launch time break now then continue again.

Shaila: Let's have lunch.

Sneha: I'm not hungry

Shaila: You will not be human anymore. Well, I have to call home again.

Everyone left. Sneha is sitting alone, she is practicing on her own.

Suddenly Sneha is dancing on her own when she sees Rahul crossing the room.

Rahul Anekshan was standing and watching Sneha dance with Teddy smile ... ๐Ÿ˜

Rahul: I can dance very well. I could only participate in dance without being a helper.

Sneha was shocked to see Rahul. Rahul came to Sneha and untied her hair, Sneha's hair fell out.

Rahul: Now looking beautiful 6

Sneha looked at Rahul. Suddenly Rahul called from behind.

Rahul: yes?

Neha: Lunch time Rahul! so hurry up ...

Rahul: yeah sure.

As Rahul goes, who is Neha saying,

Rahul: Neha r u jealous?

Neha: What rubbish ... I will be jealous เฆ Chambush Aunty?

Rahul left with a teddy smile without replying to Neha.

Neha: This Teddy Smiltana of yours makes girls more crazy

It was too late to return home today at noon and Sneha did not eat anything.

Zarifa: You see, Sneha Bhagya is just pulling you towards her. Surely there is a connection between you.

Sneha: What can I say, I can't go with him at all. She can't be a girl like me,

Shaila: It doesn't matter why you are less beautiful or not,

Sneha: Hey, haven't you seen how beautiful Neha Mem Anito is, stylish after wearing jeans and tops, and yet Sir has rejected her and I don't even talk about it.

Marjan: Keep your sir meme, call me by name

Shaila Zarifa Sneha laughed when she heard Marjan's words

Sneha: Well, please leave out these things. I'm very hungry, let's eat phuchka

Zarifa: Wow superb idea, 6

At the same time Neha came and stood behind her.

Neha: Hey, Miss. Chambus ....

Everyone looked back but could not understand who Neha was calling. She also has more friends with Neha. All are devils like Neha.

Neha: I'm telling you glasses, come here

Sneha: Yes!

Neha: I don't want to wear a pearl necklace around Badar's neck. And you don't have to come to dance practice from tomorrow. it's my order ...

Saying this, Neha left.

Marjan wants to say something but Shayla grabs his hand.

At that time Rahul's car was going on the road and Rahul Fuskar stopped his car towards the car. I pulled the car again for a moment.

Marjan: Are you crazy or have I left them saying no, so tell us what you want.

Shaila: I'm not crazy. You're crazy. They're our seniors. They have a gang. They can do a lot. So guys don't go answering everything.

Marjan: Remember, I go to you.

Sneha: Hey Marjan, where are you going?

Marjan: I go home. I will not eat you eat

No one ate without marjan and everyone went to their homes.

Sneha is very tired today when she comes home.

Mother: It's so late today, that

How much I was thinking for you.

Sneha: Mom, I didn't say there is a program in college, it was practice. And sometimes it will be so late, don't worry.

After eating fresh food, I slept a little, suddenly my mobile rang.

That unknown

I went to Rashu and came with my mobile

Rashu is playing games and the call is actually coming to me again and again.

Today I received and left Anekshan

After a while cut off from yourself

Called again. I cut,

After a while I received another call,

After saying hello, he cut himself off.

Ajib has been calling from himself for so long. I was cutting him off. When I received the hello, he cut it off himself.

Just call me to hear the voice, I understand.

I'm listening to your voice

Saying this, Sneha went to her brother Rashu and gave him the phone.

He said call me at this number and if he receives, you will say in a slightly thick tone, don't call here anymore, this is my number.

Rashu called and received but did not speak.

And Rashuto is very naughty

Rashu: What happened when the voice went away after hearing the boy's voice

Or dumb you don't know how to speak. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Well I hear you a song.

IMA disco dancer tate tate tenet tui holi mobile cancer

Hearing Rashu's song, Sneha sat on the ground laughing ... ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Rashu: (People on the other side of the mobile also laughed) When this cancer smile came out, he said why do you call here ... You know how many times I have been out of the game in the disturb of your phone.

He hung up the phone ... and didn't disturb.

I asked Rashu whether the voice of laughter was of a boy or a girl?

Rashu said the boy ...

Stay and don't worry about it.

I went to college the next day.

I am sitting in class. Zarifa, Marjan, Shaila all went to practice.

I thought I would turn around the library instead of sitting like this.

I went there and there are not many people. Some couples and some singles are reading books.

It feels good, the environment is secluded

I stood in a corner looking at some books.

Suddenly I looked at the main door and saw Rahul's entry. Dukche with a lot of mood.

But at this time he must have come to find someone to be in his practice.

I also stand behind the shelf as if I don't see him because I don't know if there is any problem if I fall in front of him.

Rahul is looking for someone here and there.

Suddenly Rahul sees Sneha standing on the shelf next to Sneha.

Sneha sees Rahul and goes back. As soon as Rahul stepped forward, Sneha started walking in pairs.

Rahul: Sneha darao,

Sneha walked out of the library without saying anything, followed by Rahul and Sneha.

Rahul went and grabbed Sneha's hand and pulled her towards him,

Sneha: What are you doing, let go of me, everyone is watching,

Rahul: Let's see!

Sneha: Let's see!

Rahul grabbed Sneha's hand and pulled her to a class,

There were some boys in the class .... The boys walked out of the class to make Rahul nod his head.

Sneha was very upset ... When Sneha wanted to leave the class, Rahul pulled Sneha and stood on the wall with his hands,

Sneha's body started trembling when she saw Rahul's trunk.

Rahul looking at Sneha: Sneha looking down, 6

I remove Rahul Sneha's hair from her eyes,

Afraid that Sneha's throat is getting dry, ...

๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ’žlove at 1 sight t sight

Writer: #Jubaida_Sobti

#Part: 4 & 5

Rahul: Don't worry Sneha, I won't do anything, you don't have to be afraid.

(Rahul Blushes)

Sneha: If you were to go a little farther

(Rahul smiles again with blushes) 6

Sneha: (feeling a little annoyed) See what you would think if someone came and saw you

As soon as he said that, he called one of the boys who had left the class.

Rahul: (twins) Rifat!

Rifat: yes! bro๐Ÿ™‚

Rahul: So that no one comes inside

Rifat: Ok bro!

Sneha: 6

Rahul: (Teddy is looking at Sneha with a smile) 8

Sneha: I understand that no one will come, but if you go a little farther and stand, that

Sneha told Rahul to stand away and immediately Rahul came closer to Sneha and stood with both hands on both sides.

Sneha: No, I told you to come closer and stand. (Sneha thought that I was telling her to stand as far away as possible and she was coming closer and closer.

Hearing Sneha's words, Rahul removed his hands from both sides, stood a little farther away and started smiling with his hands in his pockets.

Rahul: Sneha are u crazy

Sneha: ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฌ No I m not crazy.

Rahul: r u sure

Affection: 100%

Rahul: Anyway, isn't that in practice today?

Sneha: it's ordered

Rahul: who ordered u? ๐Ÿ˜ง

Sneha was leaving without saying anything, Rahul grabbed Sneha's hand,

Rahul: Why don't you say Sneha? Did I ask anything?

Sneha: Nothing, let go

Rahul: Sneha, don't be angry with me, tell me who forbade it?

Sneha: I said nothing

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Rahul got a little angry without saying anything to Sneha.

Sneha also followed Rahul,

Marjan: Sneha! Where were you looking for you, you know how many places,

Sneha: I just went to the library.

Marjan: Oh, let's go to the garden and turn around. The college did not look around.

Sneha: Let's all go together

Marjan: Hey, they'll be late. What are we going to do?

Sneha: Look, Marjan is giving me a severe headache. Today is not another day. Promise I will go home tomorrow and see tomorrow.

Marjan: Okay Dad! Which. Bye.

Sneha did not stay in college that day and came home early.

Why I remember Rahul

The first day he went to college, Rahul was looking at him with one glance,

The easiest thing to do during ragging was to give it to Sneha.

When he went to drink water, he soaked Rahul's shirt but Rahul did not say anything.

Always standing on the other side of the garden when entering the college.

... giving a shy smile without speaking ... 7

Standing up during practice to watch her dance, approaching and undressing Sneha's hair, stopping the car in front of Fuskar's shop, leaving Sneha for a moment, and getting angry for not going to practice today, while entering the library today in a white shirt.

Holding Sneha's hand, standing with her hands on the wall on either side of her shoulder,

Sneha Blushes to think

Suddenly the mobile rang.

Sneha: Hello!

Shaila: Sneha you left today so early, Marjan said you had a headache so you left.

Sneha: Oh actually, there was a little pain.

Shaila: Do you know what Rahul said to Neha today?

Sneha: What?

Shaila: When Neha was dancing with Rahul, she was dancing as if Rahul had a lot of her, Neha

Rahul may be uncomfortable,

Then you know what Rahul said, istlisten neha u r only my dance partner! ... understand ... I don't think about anything else.

If you don't see Neha's face expression then ... it's a witch

Sneha: (becoming very existing) You know Rahul came to look for me today, and he went with the library to look for me,

Sneha told Shaila everything about today's incident ...

Shayla: oh yeah ... I got it .. now I understand why our love had a headache. And Rahul avoids the rest of the girls and just looks at you and gives a teddy smile.

by the way I think now Rahul is you ....

Sneha: Blushes โ˜บ yes ... nothing like that. Well, see you tomorrow.

Shayla: Okay bye ....

Sneha: Bye.

Sneha is getting ready to go to college in the morning, just then a message came from Unknown number ...

MSG: Blue dress is great ...

Sneha became very confused ... I didn't wear a blue dress yesterday ... and when did she see me wearing a blue dress?

It's getting late so Sneha left the college without replying to the message ...

When Sneha went to college, she saw that the chairs on the other side of the garden were broken ... there were many sticks on the ground, some were broken, some were just ...

How quiet the college is.

I don't understand what is happening.

But I don't see Mr. Handsome today, he stands in the garden every day when he enters the college, he gives me a teddy smile when he sees me. Where did he go today?

Going forward, I see Zarifa,

Zarifa runs towards me, pulls me to one side ...

I do not understand what is happening

Zarifa: You know, now there has been a lot of fighting with Rahul and Samir's group.

Sneha: Samir group means 6

Zarifa: Rahul's gang has the same name as the boy named Samir. If they are in the same semester and their group is different. There is an old enmity between the two groups,

Sneha: Is Rahul okay? : O

Zarifa: Okay, but it seems that he is angry and in a bad mood.

Sneha: 6

Zarifa: Rahul and his friends hit a lot of boys in Rahul's group when they came to college.

Seeing their condition, Rahul was not angry that the boys of Samir's group would go and kill him immediately but Rahul's friends stopped him.

Hey! It's time for class, let's go Sneha.

Sneha: You saw him

Zarifa: He means 6

Sneha: (Blushesโ˜บ) Rahul.

Zarifa: I saw him go to the parking lot,

Sneha went to the parking lot, looked away and saw what Rahul was thinking.

There seems to be a lot of tension,

When Sneha approached Rahul, Rahul looked at Sneha, but was a little surprised,

Rahul: What?

Sneha: Yes! Your Assignment,

Rahul: (Surprised) Oh, so complete?

Rahul took the assignment in hand,

Sneha is still standing.

Rahul: Tell me something?

Sneha: No, Nato ...

Rahul: Then you are standing, that.

Sneha is leaving without saying anything else,

Rahul: Sneha, wait.

Sneha looks back.

Rahul: Thank u :)

Sneha: (Blushes โ˜บ) 7

Rahul left without saying anything,

Sneha comes and sits in class,

Zarifa: What happened, Sneha? What did Rahul say?

Sneha: Hey, I did show it, but it seemed like he was very tense, he didn't say anything.

Zarifa: Oh, I understand that there is a lot of tension

Sneha: (blushes โ˜บ)

Zarifa: Oooo ... I understand everything. Kuch kuch hatahhe .... 6

Ok let's go back to class

Shaila, Marjan, Zarifa, everyone is touring the college together,

I looked around the garden and saw some boys smoking.

This is a secluded place, of course.

Shaila: Come on, the boys are not feeling well,

So don't go too far, let's all go,

Marjan: I feel very tired. Let's go home.

Zarifa: Hey Ray, I'm too tired to go home today.

After all, everyone was going home, but today I didn't see Mr. Handsome entering or leaving.

Sneha is going out in a daze thinking. Suddenly, when she came out, she had a fight with a boy. Sneha looked at the boy feeling annoyed ...

The boy is not bad looking, he is wearing sunglasses and he is holding the mobile in his ear, he must be talking to someone,

The boy saw Sneha and said wow,

Marjan: What are you saying that you are sorry for not having an affair with him? ๐Ÿ˜ก

The boy: Cool baby, I did not eat alone, Onio ate, Onio did not say sorry.

Marjan: It's weird, do you see him and he will bite you on purpose ..

The boy: Excuse me! what do you mean

MARZAN: It looks like,

Sneha: OK OK, Marjan Stop, sorry brother I didn't really notice.

Marjan: Why did you say sorry, yes! He said sorry to you? ... 6

Just at that time some more boys come next to the boy and say What happen bro? .. any problem,

Marjan: The whole college is being filled with gangs. What is the end of the problem, 6

Just then Rahul was walking out of the college towards the parking lot,

Then the boy called Rahul ....

Boy: Hey bro! what's up .. I'm here to meet you.

Rahul looks back at the boy and goes to Sneha's eyes together.

When the boy went and grabbed Rahul, Rahul didn't catch the boy, ...

Rahul: (reggae) sameer, it's ur last warning ..

Sneha, Shaila, Marjan are all surprised that this boy is Samir,

Surprising because they had never seen the new Samir in college before,

Samir: Don't worry bro! I promise ... they don't really understand,

I've beaten them a lot, don't you worry,

Shaila: Marjan has been a lot ... let's go now

Shayla was dragging Marjan away, ...

Suddenly Samir said .. hey guys wait .. I didn't finish my talk.

Samir pointed a finger at Rahul and said,

Samir: bro! Who is she ... new may be I haven't seen her before, so she apologized to me, (laughs) I lyk it ...

Rahul's anger is growing more than he was listening to Samir's words,

Snehara is not listening to Samir's words, but by pointing her finger, she understands that Samir was explaining to Rahul what happened now,

Sneha looks at Rahul, Rahul is gesturing to Sneha to leave,

Sneha left without saying anything.

Marjan: This is Samir, this is Samir, he wants me to join Rahul's group and do whatever I want in Samir.

Shaila: You are not too much, Karis Marjan, what has happened to Dhaksha, it happens like this, and you don't know, I will tell one of these boys and they will take action at ten.

Marjan: Look, I can tolerate everything, but not at all

Shaila: So what do you mean the boy won't do anything if he gets you next time,

Marjan: Are you challenging me? .. Hey? ... Okay I challenged you. The boy can't do anything to me

Shaila: So much confidence? .. 6

Marjan: Yes, but for that I have to use Sneha a little.

Sneha: Me ... ๐Ÿ˜ณ I can't beat my father. All this will not happen to me

Shaila: Looking at Marjan, I understand why there is so much confidence,

Marjan, Zarifa, Shaila all laughed and looked at Sneha but Sneha didn't understand anything ...

Marjan: Hey dad, why are you fighting? We don't have Jiju

Sneha: Marjan, you are doing more

Sneha goes home ... freshened up ... lies down ... Sneha's mother suddenly comes into the room and says

Sneha, an offer has come to you, son of a software engineer in London.

If you can talk,

Sneha: Mom, I didn't tell you not to worry about my marriage. I will not get married now, 6

Mother: Do you like someone?

Sneha: Tell me, mother.

If I did, I wouldn't tell you

Mother: No, you have been alone in the room for a few days. I feel like you have changed, so I say. Listen, it's me, but your mother. You are from me

Sneha: (laughs) Well go mother. And I have to read Dong Kariona.

When mother leaves, Sneha smiles and thinks about Rahul (blushesโ˜บ)

When Sneha went to college the next day, when she entered the class, Rahul Seim grabbed her hand from behind and took the class tie. The class was already empty ... today.

Sneha: (surprised) What happened! And why do you enter like this!

Rahul: (coming to Sneha) What? ..

Sneha: Looking down, nothing

Rahul: Well Sneha let me ask you something ...

Sneha: Hmm, that

Rahul: If another boy had dragged you like this in my place, would you have behaved like that?

Sneha: No ... that

Rahul: Oh Really! ๐Ÿ˜ (with Teddy Smile) so why is my time different,

Sneha: (cut throat) Because you are terrible to see

Rahul: what!

Sneha: Maybe not, the way you look at me, the way others look at me, 7

Rahul: Oh really ๐Ÿ˜ (with Teddy Smile)

(Rahul again stands on Sneha's shoulder with one hand on the wall, when Sneha wants to leave, Rahul sticks Sneha with the other hand and on the wall,)

Sneha: You see, let me go, my friends are waiting for me, ...

Suddenly Marjan enters the room,

Rahul quickly removed his hand from the wall and put his hand in his pocket.

Marjan: เฆนเฆพเฆคeeeeehhhhh sorry with eyes in hand .. but I did not see anything.

Sneha: Marjan, you ...

Marjan: I was looking for you, so ...

(In a mischievous manner) Jiju ๐Ÿ˜‰ I didn't see anything ...

Rahul left the room with a teddy smile ..

Marjan went and grabbed Sneha ...

And began to say

Best of luck girlfriend ... you two will love it,

Sneha is ashamed (blushesโ˜บ)

On the other hand, Rahul got angry at the boys whom he had asked to guard

They were told not to let anyone in without Rahul's permission. (But when Marjan saw Rahul drag Sneha from a distance and entered the room, Marjan lied to the boys,) Rahul asked Marjan to come by phone and he entered.

Rahul heard the word from them and said nothing more,

And I laughed to myself,

Sneha came to the practice room,

Seeing Sneha, Neha's head became 99 degrees hot.

Miss: Sneha, why do you come less in practice? Can it be completed in this way?

Sneha: Sorry meme.6

Miss: It's OK, and don't miss it again.

Rahul looks at Sneha again and again ๐Ÿ˜ and Neha burns in her mind.

Rahul: Neha, when will you get married?

Neha: When you want, that

Rahul: Oh, do it, and let us hear Uncle's call soon

Neha: What! ๐Ÿ˜จ

Shaila and Sneha both laughed when they heard their words.

Neha: You are getting a lot of smiles, aren't you .. ??.

Shameless peoples๐Ÿ˜ซ

... as long as I'm here, my head hurts, ...

Neha went and called mem and turned off today's practice.

Rahul starts laughing when he sees Neha's body,

If Neha is the best of all and she is of no value to Rahul

After Miss left the practice room,

Rahul: Sneha had some talk with you

Sneha: Yes, he said!

When Rahul is silent, Shayla understands that Rahul has Shayla so he can't say anything.

Shaila: Sneha, if you come, then I am going

Sneha: No, where are you going?

Rahul: He is not saying he is going ahead, ... ๐Ÿ˜ I mean he must have some work.

Shaila laughed and left.

Sneha: You see, I am telling you, but don't come to me, say it from that point of view.

Rahul comes closer when he hears Sneha's words and Sneha doesn't pull her closer by touching her waist.

Rahul: And if I come,

No more words of affection. : O: O ...


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Avatar for Anowar90
3 years ago


Your post is very good

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Why such a big article man? Why why why

$ 0.00
3 years ago

good article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Love is very good

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice story

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good post bro..Extraordinary love story. I feel very good after the love story. You wrote great stories. Write more. Go ahead

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Write my name in the temple of your mind as much as you can. He said this because emotional love is usually deep and all human feelings are shared with someone special. Whose name is written in the temple of the mind, people still love. And for this love you may think the world is so beautiful.

Loving someone and falling in love with someone is not really the same thing. Feeling we have 'Run out of gas' emotionally and emotionally.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are taking true.i like it

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

How do you write this much it's quite impressive love your articles

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow,, it's so biggest story but very nice it is...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

To love someone is to love with the mind, not with emotion. Emotional love hurts people's minds.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

very romantic story.waiting for next part

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very good writing. Everyone is ready to go home after class. Everyone is getting down after talking. I got very thirsty for water, so I took a bottle out of the water and drank it. I like your post

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Love is the sweet part of our life

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Extraordinary love story. I feel very good after the love story. You wrote great stories. Write more. Go ahead

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good article....carry on

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very nice article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ur article is beautiful

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Love story is so amazing i also fall in love with a girl she was very beautiful and pretty

$ 0.00
3 years ago

What a romantic story. I just loved it. Next part please.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Love are best for our life. without love anyone can't to stay

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very big and uncommon post.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Miss said there would be a college program to look at the notice board on the go, whichever participant would choose.

At the end of the class, everyone came out at the same time.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

At first sight love is very great , is very interesting And if this love is implemented, then it is very lucky

$ 0.00
3 years ago