Earn $1,000-$5000 a month!

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Below are the skills that can pay you around $5,000 or more, depending on your grind, determination and focus. There are tons of apps and websites that give free lessons to what I am about to tell you so do check them out.

Remember, learn and learn. These jobs will not work for themselves. You have to work harder in order to succeed.


  • Medium Annual Salary is $47,000 ($3,916 per month)

  • Writing texts or catchy phrases in order to great marketing and such forms of advertising

Copywriting is not that hard, aligning your goals and your take on the language, like English, is the hard part. But if you're able to maintain the knowledge or improve them, you can make the best out of it. If you look closely to the internet, you can see that copywriting is always needed by companies. The website pages from landing to subscription pages, copywriters are always needed.


  • Average Salary is $75,000 ($6,250 per month)

  • Contributing to the information needed in media platforms like social media and digital media

A content creator usually must be up to date when it comes to news and other stuff involving everyday life. Just like blogging and growing your audience in your blog site, you must be able to keep track of the market and make your own profile for the public to see. Write regularly and read everyday. Those are two of the key elements when it comes to creating contents.


  • Salary per month is $5,000

  • Doing brand strategies for the target market

It's like another term for a marketer. You do research then apply them to how you can sell your products, which audience do you need and how unique are you compared to other products that looks similar to yours. Some say that it does take years to practice this kind of skill. Some even want a degree to apply. But if you have what it takes, then go for it.


  • Salary per month is $5, 428

  • Use the programming language in order to designate tasks and assign the computer or an app in a specific behavior

Since most companies are getting in touch of how social media users want their business to be, they need applications to grow their products and for people to easily access them. And with the help of tons of online courses, you can easily learn coding from scratch. It may take a while. But remember, success doesn't happen overnight.


  • Salary per month is $5,024

  • Create designs and other visual representations of such products and information

Most of us like art. Some maybe not that skilled to do painting, crafts and drawing, but they can easily learn graphic designing. Why? Since we're talking about a design made in graphics, the computer works for you. All you have to do is find the best tools in order for you to generate the best design. You can also find sites and apps that offer a drag-and-drop basis in building designs.

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itis such a big help for me ,thank you for this very informative article my God bless you always

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User's avatar eve
3 years ago

Exactly what I needed. ❤️❤️

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3 years ago