A Dream Come True

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Avatar for Annthony18
3 years ago

Growing up as a kid I have to much ambition in my life as it started when some of my family members always asking what do you want to be when you grow up a question that they always ask to me that really marked on my mind which my responds is i want to become a doctor to help cure the people who are sick and don't have an ability to afford the payment for the doctors fee and medicine.

As i become a teenager my belief and likes of being a doctor changed as i learn to play Basketball and at that time i lived to watching the games of the GOAT of Basketball Michael Jordan and his team Chicago Bulls in the 90's i now like to become and professional Basketball player and dreamed to play in the Philippine Basketball Association or even to play in the National Basketball Association in the USA as the first Filipino born to play there at that time. While in 3rd Year High School i backed up this dream by playing in the Varsity team of my School but on my Senior Year i suffered an minor injury and that stopped me from playing in the team.

As i go to College where i can say that i did not really get serious on my studies as i able to pursue only First year College. As this first year College i take 3 times yes 3 times 3 first Year College as what happen every year i enrolled but i did not finish the School Year and then the next School year again happen until the last time for the third time i took up 1st Year College at that i give up studying and i just went find a job rather than going to School.

And to share also to you guys on my first time of 1st Year College i took up the course of Nursing on the second 1st year i took up Hotel and Restaurant Management and then for the last time i took up Mass Communication as i took that last course because of my hobbies and like of writing that when also on High School Days i was very active on competing on writing contest on our School as to be honest one of my secret ambition in life is to become a well known Writer and Author someday and get paid for my works,

Well in reality my field of work is very far from all this ambition of mine but 3 months ago things have changed when i found out about this website of Read Cash which i first find on Facebook via invitation of a friend which at first i was hesitant to join but as time goes by and as more and more articles of mine have been published here i just noticed in my self that i achieved one thing that i want to achieve long time ago, and that is to be able to write and to be paid my work in my articles i cannot say that i cannot say Myself as a writer but at least i have a chance to do it so and that should i can be proud and say to my self a DREAM COME TRUE!

Thank you Read Cash for giving me an opportunity not just to me but to the whole people who are here in this platform you do not know how much it is a big help for me personally on my dreams and to my family financially. Thank you so much i hope that Read Cash will stay forever and that even a vaccine could stop you from continuing this platform. GOD Bless!!!!!!

$ 0.23
$ 0.23 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Annthony18
3 years ago


Same as you I also want to write. I even started a wattpad account but I don't know, I think I'm just so lazy to finish writing that long story that I eventually gave up. A week ago, my brother introduced me to this site and that's why I can really say that "same, it's a dream come true."

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes indeed this website read cash have a lot of people like us to help our dreams especially in writing even though we could not our say ourselves as professional at least we experienced of writing our own and being read by other people. Good luck to us and thank you for appreciating this article of mine.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Just an advice, don't be hesitant to want do you want to do in life. Do what you really love to do and don't be sad or dismay if things go in the wrong way. Right now, I am not sure to what I really want to for the next ten years as I explore in every variety of work. I never settled in one work. I tried to be a graphic artist, programmer and such but nothing seems I can do for the next ten years. Kudos to you for not giving up until you found what you really want to do and excel to it!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for the great advice actually aside from those ambitions and dreams of mine I've mentioned in this article to be honest I already found and reached my ultimate goal in life and that is having a family of my own a lovely and caring wife and a wonderful sons and to them i will do everything especially to my sons to reach their own dreams. I hope you could find what you really are searching in your life GOD Bless!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Someing You have Wanted Very much,.for a Long Time That has now happened. 🤗🙂 I was Confused by a Company Slogan i saw and That Made Me wonder..is it Correct to Write a Dream Come True 🤗🙂 $0.00 @Neha100 💔

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes it is a long time ago dream of mine that has now become a reality and it really because of this platform of read cash. yah! i was confused also by that slogan.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Feel like I am reading my story . Indeed readcash is amazing place to spend my time with . Meet new people everyday , learn so many things . Readcash helps us to build our shattered dream again. A big thanks to readcash that I found this place.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Congratulation to us for finding read cash and to each and everyone of us who is making their dreams became a reality here. A big thank you is not enough for them, what we must do is to exchange their good deeds by continue writing a good article.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Indeed and also help each other to grow . 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very interesting article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

very well said . thanks to read cash for being part of our daily earning site

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes thank you so much for the comments i think i will live to it that read cash will always be a part of my daily routine.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

yeah just keep it up and write more inpirational article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Such a beautiful writing ever i seen, I'm waiting for your next post

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow thank you thank you so much for this very wonderful comments i was really flattered as i'am reading this. You are one of those person who motivates me to continue improve my writing skills and always bring the best in me in every article that i have make. From the bottom of my heart Thank you so much!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great article, not only has Read.Cash helped make a dream come true but also has given hope to the hopeless. At this point in life where a lot of people are suffering because of.the pandemic , it has helped put some small incentives in their pockets . At least to help them buy something..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I agreed to you on that read cash really gives hope to lots of people like me who is at the point of time in my life where i suffer from anxiety when i lost my job temporary and affected my family financially and then the time that i know about this very good website which helped me ease my anxiety and totally recovered from it by writing articles and expressing my emotions in some of those articles and to the fact that I've enjoyed what I'm doing i earned money also here and it is such a big help for me and my family.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

For me to achieve our own dreams it will take a lot of risk, challenges to face, many problems to encounter, many difficult things, and a lot of things to sacrifice and it takes time also. Thanks for sharing this very interesting article.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes it is just natural that there are no easy thing that we could get it is just like our dreams in life that you have to work hard before you could get what you want so that's why I'am very thankful in read cash for giving a chance for all of us to be part of these great platform.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

For me to attain our very own dreams it's going to take a whole lot of threat, demanding situations to stand, many problems to come across, many difficult things, and loads of factors to sacrifice and it takes time also. Thanks for sharing this very exciting article.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes indeed i believe on all of what you have said as achieving our goals and dreams is not an easy was and to the fact that we must face first a lot of challenge, a lot of bump in the road before we reach our destination and it is reaching our dream and goals. Thank you so much for appreciating my article.

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

thank you for the comment!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

A inspiration post. I really inspired by reading your post.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you i was inspired because of you guys who continue supporting my article and as well my family that everything i do is for them.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Simply inspirational article and i agree read cash to some of us is a dream come true .

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for for the comment yes it really is a dream come true to me and to other people who like writing but did not have a chance to pursue a career on it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago