It Crumpled my Heart Part 01

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1 year ago

Hello everyone especially to my fellow readers here. How's your Tuesday going on? I hope you all are well and fine, away from stress and negative vibes. Its twelve days to count on and it's Christmas Day. The day and month which December is considered as the merriest month of the year because it is the birth month of Jesus. We celebrate it by doing some traditions such as Simbang gabi, gift givings and most especially, it makes our family members be together during this celebration.

So let's tackle why was my title goes like that. Let's start!

Yesterday, while my Lil B(my son) was on his nap, because I'm bored I turned on my mobile phone and played a music. While listening to a music I get my notebook and created a story. The story begins with this...

" There was a girl named Chelsea which is eighteen years of age and a student. A simple and grown without a father. A smart and hardworking student. She is always the top one on her class. It was recess time and all of her classmates eaten their snacks except her. Her teacher approached her and asks if she was done eating her snacks, Chelsea answered to her teacher that she has nothing to eat because she has no money to buy some snacks. Her teacher felt pity for her, she then gave Chelsea a biscuits and juice. Chelsea doesn't want to accept the food that her teacher gave to her but her teacher insisted. Chelsea thanks much to her teacher. Her teacher was so happy to see Chelsea smiled at her.

At exactly 11:45am it was Chelsea's lunch break. Chelsea went home happy because her teacher gave her again a delicious viand which is fried chicken and Chelsea remembers that it was the special day of her mother. When she arrived at their house, she was approached by her mother with a loud voice, a slapped either her mother beaten her because Chelsea brought something food that her mother's thought Chelsea stolen it. Chelsea only cries and accepts those painful things she get to her mother while saying the words to her mother ' I didn't steal it to anybody but it was given by our teacher mom, I just wanna give it to you as my birthday gift to you and I wish you a happy birthday mom I love you so much'. Chelsea's mother never believed on what did Chelsea told her instead to accept the food, her mother throw it and say this in front of Chelsea ' I am not happy on my birthday and all I want and wish for this day is that I want you to vanish in my sight either in my side. You are so useless and you are not my daughter.'

Chelsea run to her bedroom while crying. A moment passed by, her mother called her but Chelsea never answered. Her mother was got angry again then went to Chelsea's bedroom. Her mother was shocked because Chelsea was not inside her bedroom and her mother noticed a small paper on the top of the table. It was a letter and inside on it was ' Happy birthday mama, I have fulfilled your request, I hope you are happy. I love you very much take care and be safe always.' Chelsea's mother only did was to cry and so regretful.

Chelsea never came back to their house instead, she went to her teachers house and be there as she will finish her study until she get a permanent job.

By the way, Chelsea is an adopted child that is why Chelsea's mother mistreated her like that.

Ending Thoughts

As I finished to write the story it was timing because my son already wake up and wants his milk and I am proudly say that I am a breastfeeding mom with my four months and three days old baby boy.

Being mistreated by someone is painful, the one to be blame on for all those anger, and things happened and done. Even if it is not your biological son/daughter treat him/her the way you want to be treated. If you want respect then respect yourself first.

Lesson learned: Appreciate small act of kindness for those people who value and give importance to you because we can't predict what will happen to us every minute,second and hour living in this world. Let us control our anger because it may lead to a worst communication and can trigger misunderstanding to other people. Becareful and watch out for the words you speak because words cut deeper than knives.

Until here my fellow readers, have a great Tuesday night to all of us.

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To my likers, supporters, commentators and subscribers thank you as always and I really appreciate it a lot.

Thank you for stopping and reading.

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God bless as all and more powers.

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1 year ago


eto yung trauma na napapasa sa ibang generation which should stop.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Indeed po

$ 0.00
1 year ago

True sis. Kahit hindi mo totoong anak dapat tratuhin sila ng maayos. Dami akong kakilala na pag hindi nila anak di nila tinatrato ng maayos.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oo nga po ate sis ehh,,, sakit lng isipin na bakit pa nila aampunin kung d lng din naman nila tratuhin ng maayus.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Totoo langga kaya minsan mapapatanong ka kung bakit may mga taong ganun.

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1 year ago