Scream of a women in this society

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Avatar for Angelus
3 years ago

When you are beautiful many will love you.

when you are beautiful many will admire and support you.

When you are beautiful, even if you make a mistake you will be forgiven immediately.

when you are beautiful many opportunities will come to you.

But when you are ugly, many will immediately critic and judge your personality and physical appearance even if you do nothing wrong.

when you are ugly you have very few friends.

when you are ugly you will not be immediately given a break for the opportunity.

when you are ugly, even if you do nothing wrong, others will treat you like a disgusting person, They will ashamed of you.

That is what is happening in the world we live in today, full of judgment and comparison between the ugly and beautiful.Many young people today pay more attention to their physical characteristics than they should really need to do for their living, for the reason that they avoid being judge and criticized by other people. many young people experience bullying from other people because of their physical appearance and many young people today experience depression due to so-called Appearance criticism.

We should not be ashamed of what we are, instead, we should be proud and thankful because it is the gift from above and we are born like this. We should not mock someone, only on the outward appearance but we should love one another based on inner beauty. What will your beauty can do if it doesn't able to stop fading over time?What are you going to do by having a delicate skin and face if it also wrinkles as you grow older? Beauty will not define the whole you. Beauty will not stay forever unlike your inner goodness that lies within you that will last eternally.

What truly matters is for being who we really are, all we need to have is self love and self acceptance in order to achieve satisfaction among ourselves. We doesn't need to be perfect or imitating anyone else just to meet other people's expectations for us, let us not hesitate to show the whole world our unique beauty that only us had.

It is time to end this wrongdoing. We do not need to belittle, embarrass or judge a person based on outward appearance just to flatter ourselves.Because we do not know, it has a great impact on the mental health of the person experiencing it. What some people think is just a simple joke like ugly, fat, thin or short on a person can cause a decrease in a person's so-called self esteem,it also has a detrimental effect on a person's mental health which can result in depression or anxiety which often causes a person's suicidal thoughts due to its desire to end the pain they felt, because we thought it was just a simple Word against them.

Everyone has different characteristics whether mentally or physically, we should only respect and respect the differences of each one of us.Fat or thin, tall or short, white or dark, beautiful to be called or not but they are all equal in the eyes of the lord, none of them lifts them up.

Physical appearance is not important to limit whatever we want to do in this world and because We were born like this so we need to value, love and be proud of whatever our physical appearance is.

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Avatar for Angelus
3 years ago


think before we speak.. thank you for this awakening article

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3 years ago

Yes, you're very right. Some people nowadays talks too much without considering the feeling of the persons they talk about. Body shaming, appearance judging, it is all over the society especially in the internet. Why don't you instead help them grow than judge them, right.

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3 years ago