Our Memorable Year

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2 years ago

This year is super memorable for our family. Many happy things that are happened this year of 2021. Many problems that finally, we already solved it and many blessings are coming to us this year.


My sister is Grade 11 and turning to Grade 12 this school year. My sister enrolled in private but she have a voucher so we don't need to pay tuition fee.

My father is merchandiser, his company have a scholarship to their employees and my father is the one of that employee. My father try to apply in their scholarship and hoping that my sister will approve. My sister send all the requirements and after a week of waiting, the result is already revealed. My sister is approved in the scholarship. We are super lucky because many employees try but only 5 will approve.

It's worth of 20,000 for my sister. Because of that, my sister have a brace now. My sister can't smile because her teeth is not good so they decided to put a brace even it's too expensive.

Now, my sister apply in the scholarship again for this school year. We are also hoping that she will approve again. If not, it's okay but we all hope that we approved.

WiFi and Load

Aside in 20,000 pesos in my sister scholarship, the company of my father also give a pocket WiFi and also load for the online classes of my sister. They give a pocket WiFi worth of 999 pesos and also load worth of 1500 pesos. That is super helpful for my sister because before we don't have a WiFi yet so my sister didn't need to load. My sister didn't need to problem a load every day because she have a load now.

Free Bike

This year, many people are affected in this pandemic. Before, there's no transportation so my father walking to reach the store and have a salary. The transportation is also expensive so my father prefer to walk than give.

His company give free bike in 1 employee that the display is good. My father is the lucky employee that will get the bike. My father have a bike now and it's in our house now.

Already free in dept

Before the atm of my father is in the other people and they didn't hold it. They dept in 1 person and that person want to get the atm for safety that my father will not run. My father didn't get that atm for 5 years already. The salary of my father is always 3000+ pesos in 15 days because they pay their credit to someone. My mother and father didn't also experience to have a whole 13 months pay because his atm is always in the other people. If my father have a salary, my father need to go in the house of that person to get his salary and sometimes that person is not there.

this year, our atm is in my father. My father easily withdraw his salary. This year, we just experience to have a whole 13 month pay in December. We also already get a whole salary of my father every 15 and 25. Now, we just have a few dept but it's okay than before that we need to borrow a money to someone because the salary of my father is not enough.

We already bought the things that we needed

Before, even we need to buy a thing we can't buy it because we can't afford to buy it. We have many dept to many people so the salary of my father is for our everyday needed.

Now, my mother can buy a thing that we needed because we just have a few dept to someone. We can buy a shirt that we needed because when we go in the church, we always wear that shirt every Sunday. Now, after a many years, we already bought a new thermo haha. Our thermo is super old and i think when i was born, my mother used that until now.

So this year, our Memorable Year. Many happy things are happened this year.

Thanks for reading my article 💚

Lead image not mine. Credit to owner

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Avatar for Angel_183
2 years ago


Yayyy, Congrats to your sister kid. LAHAT naman kasi talaga mareresolba basta walang sukuan 💙

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you 💚💚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

God is good al the time andaming blessings na dumating. You and your family deserved that Mare 😍💚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

that,s good to hear. I hope you will be poured in with blessings for the coming days. take care

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is good to hear that 2021 is going well for you and your family so far. Here is to hoping that you receive more blessings as we go through the remaining months of 2021.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You too. I hope you also received many blessings

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's a lucky year for you, many great things comes in your life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My memorable year was 2019. It also can 2020. But corona pandemic distroy it. For corona our college was off. It was very painful for me and others. I hope very recently corona virus will be clean from our world and we will get a happy life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think its also lucky year for you because you've already earned money at young age to sustain yourself and your family. Feel free to treat yourself in everything that you've earn, it's better that as early as possible you've learn how to earn money for preparation in your future.❤

$ 0.00
2 years ago